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career paths中文翻译,career paths是什么意思,career paths发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

career paths中文翻译,career paths是什么意思,career paths发音、用法及例句

1、career paths

career paths发音

英:  美:

career paths中文意思翻译



career paths双语使用场景

1、Much of the HBS infrastructure is set up to help those who are pursuing established career paths.───哈佛商学院许多基础设施的设立,都是为了帮助那些谋求按部就班的职业发展道路的人。

2、Establish career paths for program managers.───为项目经理建立职业规划。

3、Narrowing down career paths in the diverse Warhammer universe was an extremely difficult task.───在战锤这个丰富多彩的世界背景下要限制职业发展方向是项艰难的任务。

4、With graduation now imminent, Mr Nasser is having to consider other career paths: "Private equity is no longer an option, " he says.───如今,在面临毕业之际,纳塞尔不得不考虑其它的职业道路。他说:“私人股本已不再是一个选择。”

5、He realistically reviews his career paths and education.───他现实地回顾他的职业道路和教育。

6、Unfortunately, while younger workers are often expected to explore different career paths, older workers are not encouraged to do so.───不幸的是,年轻人倒是经常被期望去探索不同的职业道路,但是没有人鼓励上了年纪的工作者这样做。

7、Consider some little-known career paths that will ensure that you stay competitive and look forward to going to work every morning.───考虑一些不为人知的事业会确保你具有竞争力和有就业的希望。

8、Two more opposing career paths can hardly be imagined.───很难想象两种如此针锋相对的生涯。

9、The two job offers I received fresh out of college with my journalism degree would have led me down two very different career paths.───我在新闻专业刚毕业时得到了两份工作。它们会让我走上两条非常不同的职业道路。

career paths相似词语短语


2、base paths───跑垒道

3、careers masters───职业硕士

4、garden paths───花园小路

5、career path───职业道路

6、career girls───职业妇女

7、carpenter moths───n.木蠹蛾

8、career moves───职业变动;职业生涯(歌名,CareerMoves)

9、career stalls───事业停滞

2、英语翻译。 汉译英

Employment is a hot topic among students who turns to be graduated. It is one of the most important things in life to choose where to work after school. Of course, everyone wants a job of high payment and welfare, therefore the beginning of career should be considered carefully. It is advice that asking help from parents and friend when you cannot decide, anyway, all things are difficult before they are easy.

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