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教师办公室英文(teachers office中文翻译,teachers office是什么意思,teachers office发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

教师办公室英文(teachers office中文翻译,teachers office是什么意思,teachers office发音、用法及例句)

teachers office

teachers office发音

英:  美:

teachers office中文意思翻译



teachers office双语使用场景

1、Living in groups, and connect the central ministries, the executive, teachers, office and library.───居于群体中枢并连接各部的是行政、教师办公室和图书馆。

2、The light in the teachers' office is still on. Miss Gao must be working.───老师办公室的灯还亮着,高老师肯定在工作。

3、That conversation in the teachers office has changed my outlook on weight loss.───这在教师办公室的对话已经改变了我的体重下降的前景。

4、Feel free to ask him or her questions if a foreigner comes into your school, classroom or your teachers' office.───如果外国人进入您的学校、教室或者您的老师的办公室,感到自由问他或她问题。

5、I saw Jim go into the teachers'office yesterday afternoon.───昨天下午我看到吉姆走进老师的办公室。

6、I spotted my parents coming out of the teachers' office, which made me very anxious.───我看到我的父母从老师办公室出来,这让我感到很焦虑。

7、Before you enter the teachers'office, you should knock at the door first.───在你进入老师办公室之前,你应该先敲门。

8、Jenny went to the teachers' office with a wallet in her hand.───珍妮手拿着钱包到教师办公室去了。

9、There are three computers in the teachers office.───教师办公室有三台电脑。

teachers office相似词语短语

1、careers office───职业指导办公室;就业办公室;职业中心

2、leave office───离职;离任;辞职

3、teacher's aide───老师的助手

4、teachers college───师范学院

5、careers offices───职业指导办公室;就业办公室;职业中心

6、peace officer───n.治安官(如警察,警官,保安员等)

7、sales office───销售办事处;[贸易]营业部

teachers office是单词还是短语?

teacher's office是短语。

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