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五楼的英文(fifth floor中文翻译,fifth floor是什么意思,fifth floor发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

五楼的英文(fifth floor中文翻译,fifth floor是什么意思,fifth floor发音、用法及例句)

fifth floor

fifth floor发音

英:  美:

fifth floor中文意思翻译



fifth floor双语使用场景

1、On the fifth floor a few windowpanes are missing; we stand a moment gazing at the tenants across the court.───五楼上有几扇窗子没有玻璃,我们站下看了一会儿那几位正穿过院子的房客。

2、My office is on the fifth floor.───我的办公室在六楼。

3、Tower above the fifth floor for the air tube, rising in the tower, do not need out of the tower outside.───塔的第五层以上,为空筒式,在塔内拾级而上,无须步出塔外。

4、His office is on the fifth floor.───他的办公室在五楼。

5、there was only one left on the fifth floor of the Doria Palace, and that has been let to a Russian prince for twenty sequins a day.───杜丽亚宫的六层楼上本来还剩一个,但已经以每天二十威尼斯金洋的租金租给一位俄国亲王了。

6、Should strengthen exercise, a strong body, breath hold her up to the fifth floor.───要加强锻炼,强健身体,一口气抱她上到五楼。

7、It's on the fifth floor, so we'd better take the elevator.───那是在六楼上,我们最好乘电梯。

8、I rushed back to rush our common home, that the fifth floor of a small room, although a bit small, but very safe, very sweet, very happy.───我匆匆赶回来,赶往我们共同的家,那个楼的小小房间,虽然小了一点,但是很安全,很甜蜜,很幸福。

9、I saw Cram a few days later skulking around the fifth floor of Leconfield House. He looked a little sheepish.───数日之后,我看到克拉姆在莱肯菲尔德大厦6层楼上躲躲闪闪的,显得有些不好意思。

fifth floor相似词语短语

1、fourth floor───四楼

2、dirt floor───(室内的)泥地面(未铺砖、木的)

3、fish flour───食用鱼粉;溶剂脱脂鱼粉

4、hit the floor───撞到地板上;掷地有声(电视名,HittheFloor);一落千丈(歌曲名,HittheFloor)

5、first floors───(美式)一楼;(英式)二楼

6、fifth form───第五种形式

7、fourth floors───四楼

8、from the floor───与会者(如会员、观察员)所作的(发言等)或所提的(问题等)

9、first floor───(美式)一楼;(英式)二楼


英美对于几层楼的表达是不同的 美国英语中第一层就是第一层 英国英语中从第二层开始才算是第一层 所以 第五层 美国英语表达 :the fifth floor 英国英语表达: the fourth floor

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