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change for中文翻译,change for是什么意思,change for发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

change for中文翻译,change for是什么意思,change for发音、用法及例句

change for

change for发音

英:  美:

change for中文意思翻译


转车去…; 好转[恶化]; (把…)换成, (以…)交换


change for双语使用场景

1、Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him.───经济变化本身并没有吸引他。

2、Would you by any chance have change for 5 pounds?───你能给我兑换5英镑的零钱 吗 ?

3、But you'll have to change for Trolleybus No. 26 at Huaihai Road.───但是你得在淮海路换乘26号无轨电车.

4、We change for two and two reasons only, either inspiration or desperation.───促使我们改变的原因只有两个, 要么激励,要么绝望.

5、Imagine receiving a cow as change for something you have just bought!───设想一下,当你买了什么东西后,找回的零钱竟然是一头母牛!

6、Do you have change for a ten - dollar bill? I want five - dollar bills.───你能换开一张十美元的钞票 吗 ?请换成五美元的钞票.

7、The courier had change for a $10 bill.───快递员有$10的零钱。

8、Please give me small change for this ten - yuan note.───劳驾,把这10块钱换成零钱.

9、The new large print in the book is a change for the better.───这书的大字新版本较原本为好.

10、The courier had change for a £10 note.───快递员能破开10英镑的纸币。

11、The world won't change for the better unless we trust people.───世界不会改变,除非我们互相信任.

12、To an optimist every change a change for the better.───对于乐观者,总是越变越好.

13、Where shall we change for Taiyuan?───我们将在什么地方转车到太原去?

14、The man in the store won't give him change for the phone unless he buys something.───店里的人不肯给他换硬币打电话,除非他买点什么.

15、Can you give me change for a $ 10 bill?───你能把我的10美元钞票找开 嘛 ?

16、Cancellation of registration of change for the examination and approval procedures.───取消办理变更登记的审批手续.

17、Many observers foresee a great change for foreign investments.───许多观察家预计外国投资将发生巨大的变化.

18、He doesn't like to change for anyone.───他不喜欢为任何人而改变。

change for相似词语短语

1、change color───变色

2、change down───放慢车速

3、change gear───[机]变速齿轮;[机]换档齿轮

4、change jobs───换工作

5、change front───改变攻击方向;改变看法

6、change face───正倒镜

7、change feet───换脚

8、exchange force───[量子]交换力

9、change over───对换,对调位置;改变成;转接


change into是“兑换,变为”的意思。

change for是“交换”的意思。如:She took the dress back to the shop and changed it (for another). 她把衣服拿回到商店又换了一件。The next morning, the water had changed into ice. 第二天早晨水变成了冰。

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