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riceball(rice balls中文翻译,rice balls是什么意思,rice balls发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

riceball(rice balls中文翻译,rice balls是什么意思,rice balls发音、用法及例句)

rice balls

rice balls发音

英:  美:

rice balls中文意思翻译



rice balls双语使用场景

1、Since the first night to see full moon people hang out colorful lanterns, eat glutinous rice balls and enjoy the day with their families.───自从第一次看见满月的夜晚,人们就挂起五彩的灯笼,品尝糯米饭团,和家人一起分享快乐。

2、So do we. Come an enjoy our complimentary glutinous rice balls for each diner. We wish you and your family all the best.───来东方银座美爵酒店品味轩中餐厅,让我们送上一份汤圆,送上一份团圆祝福。

3、Inside is fried pork n some rice balls da he made for you.───里面是他为妳做的炸猪排+卡通饭团。

4、We are a family of three eating glowing of sweet rice balls, a real insight into the round and round affection.───我们一家三口吃着白白胖胖的汤圆,真正体会到了团团圆圆的亲情。

5、Sushi are small rice balls covered with a variety of seafoods, usually seaweed, fish eggs, and slices of raw fish.───寿司是用各种海产包成的小饭团,通常是海藻、卵和生鱼片。

6、He soon became hungry and it was time for lunch, he took out some rice balls from his lunch box.───他很快就饿了,刚好到了午饭时间,他就从餐盒里掏出了几个饭团。

rice balls相似词语短语

1、rice bowls───n.饭碗;水稻种植区

2、track balls───轨迹球;追踪球(trackball的复数)

3、rice blasts───[植保]稻瘟病

4、air balls───三不沾;空炮;篮外空心球


6、cue balls───撞球台上的白色球,母球

7、nine balls───九个球

8、brick walls───砖壁,砖墙

9、cricket balls───板球用球


这个单词可以是:fish, dish, fresh

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