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wipe off(wiped off中文翻译,wiped off是什么意思,wiped off发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

wipe off(wiped off中文翻译,wiped off是什么意思,wiped off发音、用法及例句)

wiped off

wiped off发音

英:  美:

wiped off中文意思翻译



wiped off双语使用场景

1、She wiped off her make-up.───她把化的妆擦掉了。

2、She wiped off the sweat from her face with a piece of facial tissue.───她用一张面巾纸擦掉脸上的汗水。

3、I cannot stand by while, you know, we see value wiped off our creative industries.───你知道,我不能你袖手旁观,眼睁睁的看着我们如此有创造性的产业的价值被贬低。

4、How did GE get itself into a mess that has seen $269 billion wiped off its stockmarket value since the beginning of 2008?───自从2008年初,GE的股价已蒸发2690亿美元,而GE究竟是如何陷入这种僵局的呢?

5、Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser.───干燥的油漆残余物可用油漆清洁剂擦掉。

6、Israel points out that President Ahmadinejad has said the Jewish State should be " wiped off the map. "───以色列指出,伊朗总统内贾德曾说过,“应该把犹太人国家从地图上抹掉”。

7、He wiped off the table with a sponge.───他用一块海绵擦了桌子。

8、then, in the case of ink on the paper above, and with a brush light uniformly, wiped off, the text is to be "because on paper. "───然后在刻成的版上加墨,把纸张覆在版上,用刷子轻匀地揩拭,揭下来,文字就转印到纸上成为正字。

9、At the same time, the image of the murderer is wiped off the human side and made to be an absolute villain.───凶手的形象在**中也被抹去人性的一面而塑造成彻底的反面人物。

wiped off相似词语短语

1、died off───一个一个地死去

2、tipped off───向…透露消息,泄密;暗中通知某人

3、roped off───用绳索隔开;围起来

4、wipe off───除去;还清;洗刷

5、fired off───升火,发射;熄火

6、hived off───脱离编制;分出

7、lived off───以…为食料;靠…生活;住在…之外

8、ripped off───偷窃;扯掉;欺诈;剥削

9、wipes off───除去;还清;洗刷




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