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cell phone的中文意思(cell phones中文翻译,cell phones是什么意思,cell phones发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

cell phone的中文意思(cell phones中文翻译,cell phones是什么意思,cell phones发音、用法及例句)

1、cell phones

cell phones发音

英:  美:

cell phones中文意思翻译



手机; 移动电话

cell phones双语使用场景

1、Right now, the cells are used commercially to recharge cell phones.───现在, 电池已经已经商用化用于手机电池充电.

2、Researchers also investigated links between cell phones and other kinds of cancers.───研究员们也调查移动电话和其它癌症之间的关系.

3、Please! Cell phones are a necessity nowadays . Get with it.───理解吗, 我发现我们班上几乎每一小我都有一部手机.

4、Please! Cell phones are a necessity. Get with it.───拜托! 现在手机是必需品. 你跟上一点潮流好不好?

5、They wear robes, but they also carry cell phones, which ring often.───他们穿着僧袍, 却挂着手机, 而手机还常响.

6、Others pulled out their cell phones offering to call an ambulance.───其他人拿出手机想打电话叫辆救护车.“我想我应该叫辆救护车. ”

7、Why can't we get a definitive answer about cell phones and health?───对手机和健康的关系,为什么我们得不到明确的答案?

8、You won't believe where Salvadoran prison officials found these cell phones.───你不会相信萨尔瓦多狱政官员是在哪找到这些手机的.

9、Kevin : Terra ! Look at these cool cell phones! I've gotta have one.───泰拉! 你瞧瞧这些很酷的行动电话! 我一定要买一支.

10、The main drawback is that cell phones interfere with others.───手机的缺点主要是干扰他人.

11、And there doesn't seem to be any short - term risk from cell phones.───使用手机也不存在任何 短期 的风险.

12、Nowadays, with the rapid development of the information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in people's life.───如今,随着信息产业的飞速发展,手机在人们的生活中起着举足轻重的作用。

13、Examiner : Do you think cell phones are important for modern people?───你认为手机对现代的人们重要 么 ?

14、There are some who prefer the teeniest, most compact gadgets, like those itsy-bitsy cell phones that would get lost in a pocket.───有些人更倾向于那些小的不能再小的袖珍玩意儿,比如那些放到口袋里就找不到的微型手机。

15、In the past two decades, however, continued connection with and dependence on family, thanks to cell phones, email and social media, have increased significantly.───然而,在过去的二十年中,由于手机、电子邮件和社交媒体的出现,人们与家庭的联系和对家庭的依赖显著增加。

16、From now on everyone should remove the batteries from your cell phones.───从现在开始大家把手机里的电池都拿出来,开始.

17、A: Like fax machines, copy machines, cell phones, pagers and answering machines?───像传真机 、 拷贝机 、 手机 、 呼机和录音电话 吗 ?

18、Cell phones are a necessity nowadays. Get with it.───现在手机是必需品. 你跟上一点好不好?

cell phones相似词语短语




4、cell phone───手机(等于cellularphone)



7、cellular phones───便携式电话;移动电话(cellularphone的名词复数)



2、“Nowadays”= 现今

3、When I was a kid I always used telephone booths to contact people, but nowadays we just use cellphones.当我还是个孩子,我总是用公用电话联系人,但是现在我用的是手机

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