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burn the candle at both ends中文翻译,burn the candle at both ends是什么意思,burn the candle at both ends发音、用法

04-09 投稿

burn the candle at both ends中文翻译,burn the candle at both ends是什么意思,burn the candle at both ends发音、用法及例句

1、burn the candle at both ends

burn the candle at both ends发音

英:  美:

burn the candle at both ends中文意思翻译



burn the candle at both ends双语使用场景

1、Students are trying to burn the candle at both ends - they're not only studying, but most of them are working several jobs.───学生们不仅学习,大多数还打数份工,他们是在挥霍体力和精力。

2、Plan on getting extra sleep, and take care not to burn the candle at both ends.───因此多为自己计划点额外睡眠,并注意不要让自己过于疲惫(让蜡烛两端燃烧)。

3、At times we have to burn the candle at both ends for some urgent business.───有时候为了一些紧急的业务,我们不得不早晚两头都加班加点。

4、You cannot burn the candle at both ends.───蜡烛不能两头点,一精一力不可过分耗。

5、You can't burn the candle at both ends forever.───你不能永远这么过分地消耗精力。

6、You can burn the candle at both ends in college because it was only four years, you may be working for forty. . .───在大学里你可以经常熬夜,因为那只有4年时间,但是你可能会工作40年……

7、You know, if you live hard, and you play hard and you burn the candle at both ends, you pray the price for it.───你們知道,如果你們辛苦的生存,辛苦的表演,並且為其過分透支的話,你們就得付出代價

8、can not burn the candle at both ends.───蜡烛不能两头点。

burn the candle at both ends相似词语短语

1、mourn the death of───哀悼

2、burn the candle at both ends───v.过分耗费;不顾身体过度劳累(尤指日夜都有活动)

3、to burn the candle at both ends───操劳过度

4、burn the midnight oil───开夜车

5、turn the tables on someone───对某人不利


意思:adj. 两者的,pron. 两者,conj. 不但 ... 而且 ...。


1、have it both ways 忽左忽右;

2、burn the candle at both ends 非常忙碌;

3、make the best of both worlds 两全其美;

4、have a foot in both camps 脚踏两只船;

5、swing both ways 双性恋的;

6、cut both ways 模棱两可(双方受害...。

用作形容词 (adj.):

1、Both his eyes are hurt.他的两眼都受伤了。

2、She kissed him on both cheeks.她吻了他的双颊。

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