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chinese character中文翻译,chinese character是什么意思,chinese character发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

chinese character中文翻译,chinese character是什么意思,chinese character发音、用法及例句

chinese character

chinese character发音

英:  美:

chinese character中文意思翻译

常用释义: 汉字


chinese character双语使用场景

1、The Chinese character points to a more useful approach.───这个汉字给我们指明了一条可能更有效的方法.

2、Truly Word . not only fluent Chinese character shape, tone and semantic features.───假侧做到一字不不差. 不仅给谙练不天把持汉字不神 、 音、义的特点.

3、Chinese character recognition, printed Chinese characters in the realization of picture identification.───汉字识别, 实现图片中印刷体汉字的识别.

4、Pictograph is the base of conformation of Chinese character.───象形字是汉字构造的基础.

5、The second heart is made of jade and has the Chinese character "Fu".───第二颗心是刻有中国汉字“福”字的玉坠。

6、The establishment of etymon and the coding scheme for Chinese character.───图像汉字的字元制定与编码方法.

7、Each Chinese character is composed of a number of strokes.───每个汉字都由一定的笔画组成。

8、Alice Wilson : Does each Chinese character in your given name mean anything?───艾莉丝·威尔森: 那你名字里的每个中文字有什么意思 吗 ?

9、Feature extraction is the key part of handwritten chinese character recognition.───特征提取是手写体汉字识别的关键环节.

10、The results of primitive multi - font printed Chinese character recognition experiment are given.───并就其工作过程和主要特点作了较详细的叙述,还列出了多体印刷体汉字识别的初步试验结果.

11、Politics and water control, the Chinese character implies, are intimately linked.───暗示政治和水资源的管理紧密相连.

12、Which Chinese character would you choose to sum up the past year?───你会选择哪个汉字来总结过去的一年?

13、Hence, improve the correct rate of off - line handwritten Chinese character recognition.───从而进一步提高了脱 机手写 汉字识别的正确率.

14、Some new words and expressions consist of wordmorpheme of Chinese character word.───本文主要讨论汉字词新词的构成特点.

15、Do you speak Chinese? ( Can you write Chinese character? )───你能讲汉语 吗 ?你会写汉字 吗 ?

16、The text expounds that AutoCADR 13 achieves diversified chinese character annotate meth - ods.───本文阐述了AutoCADR13版下实现多种汉字标注的基本原理及实现方法.

17、Each Chinese character is accompanied by Chinese phonetic alphabet.───内容以反映中国人的日常生活,风俗民情,购物指南,旅游观光,探亲访友,待人接物为主.

18、Eleven shape coding can effectively indicate the trait of Chinese character.───十一形码编码方法能够表征汉字的本质特征.

chinese character相似词语短语

1、title character───领衔主演;主人公

2、main character───主要人物;主要角色

3、unique character───独立性

4、acquired character───后天属性;[植]获得性状

5、in character───相称;适合

6、Chinese crested───中国冠毛犬(狗的品种)

7、Chinese checkers───n.跳棋

8、likeable character───可爱的性格

9、anal character───肛门性格



graphite Chinese character.

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