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killit(kill it中文翻译,kill it是什么意思,kill it发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

killit(kill it中文翻译,kill it是什么意思,kill it发音、用法及例句)

kill it

kill it发音

英:  美:

kill it中文意思翻译



kill it双语使用场景

1、If they do, they may opt to back it in parliament until they are ready to kill it off.───如果他们这么做,他们可能在议会中支持它,直到他们做好准备击败它。

2、Take a lamb and kill it, then put the blood of the lamb on the door of your house and I will pass over your house.───取一只小羊杀了它,在你们的门上涂上小羊的鲜血,我就越过你们而去。

3、The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "───猎人伸脱手索要那只鸟。“我会杀逝世它的,”他道。“归正鸟立刻便要死了。”

4、But they will have to find the rabbit before the hunter who is desperate to kill it.───但他们必须在猎人之前找到那只兔子,因为猎人急于杀死它。

5、It is an effective treatment for the bacteria and does kill it off.───这是一种有效的灭菌方法,确实把细菌都杀光了。

6、Without realizing, you kill it with a quick slap of your hand, but notice a little blood on your arm where the mosquito was.───你不加思索一巴掌拍死了它,会留意有一点血迹留在原处。

7、So the consumer protection bureau serves a vital function. But as I said, Senate Republicans are trying to kill it.───所以,消费者金融保护局发挥着关键的作用。不过就像我说的那样,参议院共和党人正在设法扼杀它。

8、I told him again I wouldn't kill it, and he said it was a class requirement.───我再次告诉他了,我不会杀小鸡的,他说这是课目要求。

9、It's not easy for him to live, anyway. I really don't have the heart to kill it and would like to find someone to replace it if I could.───这东西也很不容易,如果能找到替代它的,我也不忍心伤害它的性命。

kill it相似词语短语



3、king it───国王

4、kill off───消灭

5、kill fee───杀戮费

6、skill set───技能组合

7、fill in───填写;填充;替代

8、kill switch───《末日重启》(一部动作、科幻**)


kill it女主?


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