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nothing is impossible中文翻译,nothing is impossible是什么意思,nothing is impossible发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

nothing is impossible中文翻译,nothing is impossible是什么意思,nothing is impossible发音、用法及例句

nothing is impossible

nothing is impossible发音

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nothing is impossible中文意思翻译




nothing is impossible双语使用场景

1、Nothing is impossible a willing heart.───有一颗有愿望的心,什么都有可能.

2、No knowledge is off limits, and nothing is impossible.───知识无止境, 万事皆可能.

3、Nothing is impossible with God.───对上帝来说没有什么是不可能的?

4、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.───心之所愿,无事不成.

5、As one scientist says, " Nothing is impossible for a person to be or do. "───正如一位科学家所说 “ 人欲成名或成事, 未有不可成者 ”

6、The recent SIA plane crash shows us that nothing is impossible.───三年后的新航空难,让我们证实了世事无绝对.

7、Nothing is impossible in a willing heart!───爱情只不过是一件奢侈品!

8、Nothing is impossible ( or difficult ) to the man who will try.───天下无难事,只怕不努力.

9、Nothing is impossible in the boss’ eyes.───在老板眼中,一切皆有可能。

10、Motto: Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.───座右铭: 心之所愿,无所不成!

11、Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.───心之所愿,无所不成.

12、The story of one little hobbit named Frodo Baggins gives us a very truthful message that literally nothing is impossible.───这个故事讲述了一个叫弗罗多·巴金斯的霍比特小矮人给我们的启示就是:没有什么是不可能的。

nothing is impossible相似词语短语

1、nearly impossible───几乎不可能

2、practically impossible───几乎不可能

3、nothing if not───极其

4、nothing in it───半斤八两,机会相等


6、highly implausible───非常难以置信

7、nothing in particular───没什么特别的

8、almost impossible───几乎不可能;近乎不可能

9、logically possible───逻辑上可能

nothing is impossible什么意思?

没有不可能1:Nothing is impossible, anything is possible! I can! 没有不可能,一切皆有可能!我能!

2:Do not say impossible, nothing is impossible. 不要说不可能,没有什么不可能。如果把主语和宾语对调一下就变成了impossible is nothing(一切皆有可能),Impossible is nothing 传达了勇气和信心,即使事情100%会失败,我也全然不怕.

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