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year by year中文翻译,year by year是什么意思,year by year发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

year by year中文翻译,year by year是什么意思,year by year发音、用法及例句

year by year

year by year发音

英:  美:

year by year中文意思翻译


一年一年地; 年年; 逐年

year by year双语使用场景

1、I leave myself in a familiar alien land year by year.───在熟悉的异乡我将自己一年年遗忘这个该怎么翻译呢?

2、The overlap of the mechanical and the lifelike increases year by year.───机械与逼真的重叠部分在一年年增加.

3、The department has been shrinking year by year because of budget cuts.───这个部门因为预算削减而逐年萎缩。

4、Results: the sale proportion of medicine particle prescription increases year by year.───结果: 中药配方颗粒销售额逐年增加.

5、The number of buses in this city is increasing year - by - year.───这个城市的公共汽车的数量在逐年增长.

6、The boy grows taller year by year.───这男孩一年一年地长高了.

7、This problem has increased year by year.───这个问题一年年地加重。

8、In future the proportion of state farms will grow year by year.───将来国营农场的比重会一年一年大起来.

9、Prices tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate.───物价年年上涨, 但幅度不大.

10、The Chinese people's expense on tourism has gone up year by year.───广大居民用于旅游的支出逐年增加.

11、Year by year their affection for each other grew stronger.───年复一年,他们对彼此的爱愈加强烈。

12、The monotony of the ranch eat into her heart hour by hour , year by year.───单调的农庄生活一天天 、 一年年的咬啮着她的心.

13、It grows smaller year by year.───它一年比一年小。

14、Life has been getting better year by year.───日子一年胜似一年.

15、Year by year , more and more rapidly, our common knowledge increases.───年复一年, 我们的常识增长越来越快.

16、Even though you are alive growing year by year.───你尽管活着,每年还在成长.

17、Since production has risen steadily, the personal income of the commune members has increased year by year.───由于生产不断发展, 社员们收入逐年增加.

18、This problem has increased year by year.───这个问题一年比一年严重。

year by year相似词语短语

1、peak year───最高记录年份;最高纪录年份

2、rear bumper───后保险杠;后档

3、bear's ear───熊的耳朵

4、year in, year out───年复一年

5、play by ear───凭听觉记忆演奏

6、year after year───年复一年地;每年

7、leap year───闰年

8、near beer───淡啤酒;薄啤酒

9、wear and tear───n.磨损





Output should triple by next year.





The United States has announced it is to withdraw forty-thousand troops from Western Europe in the next year.


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