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deduct from中文翻译,deduct from是什么意思,deduct from发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

deduct from中文翻译,deduct from是什么意思,deduct from发音、用法及例句

deduct from

deduct from发音

英:  美:

deduct from中文意思翻译



deduct from双语使用场景

1、Any of these options you can deduct from regime if you think Google penalty will be unwanted.───这些选项可以从制度中扣除,如果你认为谷歌将不需要的罚款。

2、When a company has preferred stock outstanding, we first deduct from net income the amount of current year preferred stock dividends.───如果公司有发行在外的优先股,我们首先应从净收益中减除当年优先股的股利。

3、Deduct from proceeds of the Loan as mentioned above.───从卖方发票融资款项中扣除

4、We will share the percentage equal, in any expenses we did will be deduct from the money before sharing.───我们将平分相等的比例,为此所造成的任何费用将在平分前从这笔钱中扣除。

5、Economic remainders were the whole remainders which deduct from cost consumptions in the economic action's achievements.───经济剩余是经济活动成果中扣除成本消耗以外的所有剩余。

6、There is actually a chain of certificates, as you can deduct from the output underneath "certificate chain".───根据“certificate chain”下面的输出可以推断出,实际上有一个证书链。

7、There is actually a chain of certificates, as you can deduct from the output underneath "certificate chain" .───根据“certificatechain”下面的输出可以推断出,实际上有一个证书链。

8、To deduct from an amount; subtract.───减去,减掉:从一数量中抽出;减掉。

9、according to this reason, if you deduct from this argument, computers doesn't seem that fearful anymore.───按照这个道理来推论﹐计算机就没有那么可怕了。

deduct from相似词语短语

1、apart from───远离,除…之外;且不说;缺少


3、dated from───追溯到;始于;起源于

4、kept from───隐瞒;阻止;抑制

5、deduct tax───扣税

6、deduct from the bill───从账单中扣除

7、dates from───追溯到;始于;起源于

8、date from───追溯到;始于;起源于

9、detect fraud───发现欺诈

“求差”英文怎么翻译 例如,求5和2的差 我所知的词有,deduct 2 from 5 如果用difference呢

可以,词典上是这样的 表达数学中的“差”的时候:

{数} (差数) difference:

例句:The difference between 6 and 3 is 3.


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