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hide from中文翻译,hide from是什么意思,hide from发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

hide from中文翻译,hide from是什么意思,hide from发音、用法及例句

1、hide from

hide from发音

英:  美:

hide from中文意思翻译


把…藏起来不让…发现; 躲避…


hide from双语使用场景

1、He flung down on the floor to hide from his parents.───他迅速卧在地上,想躲开他父母.

2、They'll hide from you.───他们会躲着你的。

3、Xia zhi xing: actually, i a matter to hide from you.───夏之星: 其实我也有件事情一直瞒着你.

4、Tip of the Day : To hide a workbook window, choose Hide from the Window menu.───日积月累: 选择“窗口”菜单中的“隐藏窗口”命令即可隐藏文档窗口.

5、The girl dodged behind a tree to hide from the other children.───这女孩闪身躲到树后不让其他孩子看见。

6、Don't hide from your problems.───不要把你的问题藏起来。

7、You can run - but you can't hide from the fastest animals on the planet.───现时男子一百米纪录 保持者 成绩是9秒98,但动物世界中亦出了不少超速飞毛腿,他们会在《动物之最》排行榜中逐一亮相,争一高下.

8、Split the hide from the dew claws to the Original cut and skin out the forelegs.───从蹄到这个关节将皮切开,并切除掉它.

9、He ducked into a shop in an attempt to hide from the cops.───他躲进一家商店,企图躲过警察.

10、Greta Garbo went to great lengths to hide from reporters and photographers.───葛丽泰·嘉宝想方设法躲开记者和摄影师。

11、A zebra's stripes help this animal hide from its enemies.───斑马条纹有助它们避开天敌.

12、She has something to hide from people.───她有些背人的事.

13、Animals need cover to hide from their natural enemies and to raise their young safely.───动物需要用植物来掩护自己以躲避天敌和安全地抚育自己的孩子.

hide from相似词语短语

1、free from───使摆脱;免于;解放


3、aside from───除…以外

4、hide a bomb───隐藏炸弹

5、hear from───收到…的信;受…的批评

6、come from───来自;出生于

7、came from───来自;出生于

8、hail from───(车、船)来自;(人)出生于

9、date from───追溯到;始于;起源于


《摇篮曲》有多个英文版本。 以下为Chloe的版本,纯净空灵。 歌词: Roses whisper goodnight need save your light Asleep in the dew they hide from our view When the dawn peepeth through God will wake them and you When the dawn peepeth through God will wake them and you Slumber sweetly my dear for the angels are near To watch over you the silent night through And to bear you above to the dream land of love And to bear you above to the dream land of love

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