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secretary of State中文翻译,secretary of State是什么意思,secretary of State发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

secretary of State中文翻译,secretary of State是什么意思,secretary of State发音、用法及例句

secretary of State

secretary of State发音

英:  美:

secretary of State中文意思翻译



secretary of State双语使用场景

1、The Secretary of State has given in to special pleading.───国务卿已被那些诡辩之词给说服了。

2、Secretary of State John Hay had negotiated a series of arbitration treaties.───国务卿约翰·海曾签订一连串仲裁条约.

3、Secretary of State Kellogg unwisely accorded immediate recognition.───凯洛格国务卿轻率地立即予以承认.

4、The President confirmed him as the Secretary of State.───总统任命他为国务卿.

5、The President has designated him as the next Secretary of State.───总统任命他为下一任的国务卿.

6、The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals.───国务卿有权批准这些提议。

7、The Secretary of State administers foreign affairs.───国务卿掌理外交事务.

8、The Secretary of State for Environment has the power to cap councils which spend excessively.───环境大臣有权限定那些铺张浪费的委员会的支出。

9、The secretary of state intends to jumpstart the middle east peace process.───国务卿打算启动中东和平进程.

10、the Secretary of State for Education───教育大臣

11、The final word will still come from the Secretary of State.───最后仍然要由国务卿来定夺。

12、That decision raised questions about the secretary of state's powers and the fairness of his procedure.───那个决定引起人们对国务卿的权力及其做法的公平性的质疑。

13、He was designated by the President as the next Secretary of State.───他被总统任命为新国务卿.

14、The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.───美国国务卿与俄罗斯外交部长会晤,试图确定这项表述模糊的协议。

15、Secretary of State has made a robust defence of the agreement.───国务卿对这项协议进行了强有力的辩护。

16、This is no time to have a political ingenue as secretary of state.───这不是让政治经验不足的人当国务卿的时候.

17、On September 4, the Secretary of State brought over a draft of the warning.───九月四日, 国务卿拟出警告的草稿.

18、The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.───国务卿目前正在考虑该项建议.

secretary of State相似词语短语


2、equation of state───[物化][自]状态方程式

3、Secretary of State───n.(英)国务大臣;(美)国务卿;(美)州政府秘书长

4、Under-Secretary of State───副国务卿

5、Secretaries of State───美国历任国务卿

6、minister of state───国务大臣

7、heads of state───国家元首

8、secretary of states───n.(美)国务卿;(英)国务大臣;(美)州政府秘书长

9、head of state───国家元首



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