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follow up是什么意思中文意思(follow up中文翻译,follow up是什么意思,follow up发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

follow up是什么意思中文意思(follow up中文翻译,follow up是什么意思,follow up发音、用法及例句)

1、follow up

follow up发音

英:  美:

follow up中文意思翻译


vt.把…贯彻到底,对…采取进一步行动; 跟着,追逐,继续


follow up双语使用场景

1、Follow up the shipment and received the goods in good quality.───跟进运输,及时收到优质的货品.

2、Follow up daily production progress with related departments; take action to push up the delay batch.───与相关部门合作跟踪每日生产进程, 并采取行动推进延迟批次.

3、The police will follow up all possible leads.───警方将追踪所有可能有用的线索。

4、Follow up order , prepayment , tracking order delivery schedule . Insert POs to ERP Monitor and update there.───跟踪采购定单,跟踪及控制交货期, 付款及运输,维护更新系统定单状态.

5、Follow up the whole process of order execution to ensure timely delivery of qualified products . 5.───管理好正在执行的订单,确保全部订单货物能够按时,保质,保量地发出,货款能及时地收付.

6、They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month.───他们在三月演出以后,就是下个月在英国的四场演出。

7、You start the work, and I'll follow up.───你先开始工作, 我会接着做.

8、You should follow up your phone call with an email or a letter.───你打电话后应该接着发一封电子邮件或写封信。

9、Review reserved tables and names of such; follow up on special arrangements according to standards.───检查预定的桌子情况和客人姓名, 跟进特殊的安排.

10、Handle customer complaint, including quality problem investigation, corrective action plan follow up.───处理消费者投诉, 包括质量问题调查和改进计划跟进.

follow up相似词语短语


2、following up───跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事

3、follow on───继续下去;接着发生

4、to follow up───跟进

5、follow out───执行,贯彻;把……查到底

6、followed up───跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事

7、follow ups───追踪;连续


9、follows up───跟踪;坚持完成;继续做某事


follow upv.把…探究到底;回答;追踪,跟踪;跟进工作;继而进行.例句1.Quick flags allow you to set priority flags to a message for Follow Up, withoutdisplaying the Follow Up dialog box.快速标志允许在不显示FollowUp对话框的情况下,为后续消息设置优先级标志。

2.Recurrence of stones is common (approximately 40% rate) and followup isadvised.结石复发较为常见(大约40%发生率)并建议随访。

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