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tell apart中文翻译,tell apart是什么意思,tell apart发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

tell apart中文翻译,tell apart是什么意思,tell apart发音、用法及例句

tell apart

tell apart发音

英:  美:

tell apart中文意思翻译



tell apart双语使用场景

1、The two sides can be hard to tell apart.───双方可能很难分辨。

2、decade from now the players will be hard to tell apart, and there will probably be survivors from each group.───以后的十年玩家将更难以区分,将很可能从每一组别里都有幸存者。

3、I will tell apart just the truth.───我会尽力表现给你看只有真实的自我.

4、Instead of letters, he wanted to use shapes that were easy to tell apart by touch.───他想用手的触觉容易分辨的模型来代替字母.

5、When oil and water mix, are easy to tell apart.───当油和水混合时, 它们容易看出来.

6、The two things are very hard to tell apart.───这两样东西很难区别.

7、Things is changing. I can not tell apart of them yet!───是非总是在变, 我已无法分辨!

8、Their views are impossible to tell apart.───他们两人的观点不可能各说各话.

9、Free range and battery eggs, boiled for four minutes, were hard to tell apart.───柴鸡蛋和笼养鸡蛋在煮过4分钟之后很难区分。

10、Even when magnified, the two organisms are difficult to tell apart.───即使放大之后, 这两种有机体也难以区分.

11、I will tell apart the turth.───我会尽力表现给你看真实的自我.

12、Night owl is the only Aves which can tell apart blue color.───猫头鹰是唯一能够分辨蓝色的鸟类.

13、But even to the trained eye, two species of earthworms can be tough to tell apart.───可是,即使是受过训练的眼睛,也可能很难把两种蚯蚓分辨开。

14、In fact, experts say the two are almost impossible to tell apart.───事实上, 专家说这两种病毒几乎不能区分出来.

15、A feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably; a distinguishing mark or trait.───特性能帮助明显地辨认 、 区分或作描述的特征; 突出的标记或特征.

tell apart相似词语短语

1、to tell apart───分清

2、pull apart───撕开;扯断

3、tells apart───区分;分辨

4、tear apart───把……弄乱;使……分裂

5、telling apart───区分;分辨

6、falls apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

7、fell apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

8、fall apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

9、told apart───区分;分辨


tell from 分辨,辨别固定用法有tell A from B例句:I can tell from your face you are lying ( to me). 我可以从你的表情看得出你在(对我)撒谎。tell apart 区分开,把…区别开apart一般不加宾语例句:You are now learning how to tell them apart.现在你正在学习如何区分它们。

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