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cyber monday中文翻译,cyber monday是什么意思,cyber monday发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

cyber monday中文翻译,cyber monday是什么意思,cyber monday发音、用法及例句

cyber monday

cyber monday发音

英:  美:

cyber monday中文意思翻译



cyber monday双语使用场景

1、I'm so sick of the crazy consumerism on Black Friday; I think I'll just wait for Cyber Monday this year.───“黑色星期五”的购物潮真让我抓狂,我想我今年还是等待“网络星期一”吧。

2、Some retailers save their online deals for the first business day of the week following Thanksgiving, now known as Cyber Monday.───有些零售商把他们的网购折扣商品留到感恩节后第一个工作日即通常所说的“网路星期一”来销售。

3、I wanted to mention that we have opened up a 50% discount to our current customers for one additional package for Cyber Monday.───我想提一提,我们开辟了一个网络星期一包50%的额外折扣,我们目前的客户。

4、Nonetheless, Cyber Monday is not the biggest online shopping day in the world.───尽管如此,网络星期一不是全球最大的网购日。

5、Even with a flurry of online traffic, retailers appeared to pull off Cyber Monday without a glitch.───不过零售商们还是经受住了在线星期一的流量冲击。

6、Now merchants will hope that shoppers continue to spend on Cyber Monday.───现在,店主寄希望于在“网上购物星期一”购物者能延续周五的购买势头。

7、I'm sorry we weren't able to offer this on our Black Friday deal, but I hope you will try again with our Cyber Monday special.───对不起,我们不能够提供我们的黑色星期五处理,但我希望你会尝试用我们的网络星期一特别起来。

8、And Squire predicted that Cyber Monday's online sales will exceed the total reached on Black Friday by early afternoon.───斯盖尔预计,在星期一下午较早的时候,网购总额就会超过黑色星期五全天的销售额。

9、Monday's sales alone were 16% higher than last year's "Cyber Monday" total of $887m.───网络星期一”(感恩节后的第一个周一)单日的销售额就比去年同期的8.87亿美元高出16%。

cyber monday相似词语短语


2、Easter Monday───复活节后的星期一

3、cyber mosques───网络清真寺

4、cyber mosque───网络清真寺

5、beer money───零花钱(用来描述男人的零花钱);(赏给仆役的)小费

6、Cyber Monday───网络星期一(感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动)

7、Ember day───四季大斋


9、Cyber Mondays───网络星期一



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