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dawn on中文翻译,dawn on是什么意思,dawn on发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

dawn on中文翻译,dawn on是什么意思,dawn on发音、用法及例句

dawn on

dawn on发音

英:  美:

dawn on中文意思翻译



(白昼)来临于(某处); 给(某处)以光明; 逐渐(被人)知晓; 明白

dawn on双语使用场景

1、Just before dawn on February 24, the whole horizon suddenly began flashing.───2月24日黎明前, 整个地平线开始闪闪发光.

2、But something slowly began to dawn on me – I still loved what I did.───但是我渐渐了曙光,我仍然喜爱我从事的这些东西.

3、I had to go dawn on the floor to play with the baby.───和婴儿玩耍我只有趴在地上.

4、At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.───拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头。

5、The consequences of your actions will dawn on you sooner or later.───你所作所为的后果迟早会显现出来的.

6、The real reason for her silence did not dawn on Charles at first.───开头,查尔斯还没弄清她沉默下来的原因呢.

7、At what stage in your life did that idea first dawn on you?───在你人生的哪个阶段你开始顿悟的?

8、I recall a perfect dawn on Mexico's Pacific coast.───我回想起在墨西哥太平洋海岸一个完美的黎明。

9、It's dawn on a quiet Hawaiian beach and waves are rolling in.───黎明时分,在夏威夷某个宁静的海滩,巨浪一波波地卷向岸边.

10、The truth began to dawn on him.───他开始明白那个道理.

11、They had struck the island at dawn, on schedule.───他们已按战斗日程在拂晓时分袭击了这个岛屿.

12、At dawn on Mount Sinai, camels rest and Said Spayel prays.───清晨时分的西奈山上, 骆驼正在休息,萨依德.斯贝耶尓则在祷告着.

13、At dawn on the 13 th the'Carnatic'entered the port of Yokohama.───11月13号,卡尔纳蒂克号趁着 早潮 开进了横滨港口.

14、Slowly to dawn on me: I have been a nightmare.───渐渐地,我明白了: 我一直在做噩梦.

15、At dawn on July 16, 1945, the atomic bomb was set off.───1945年7月16日拂晓, 这枚原子弹被引爆.

16、We can now see the light of dawn on the horizon.───人们看到了曙光。

17、It didn't dawn on me that I was getting the bum's rush.───我不明白,我竟要被赶走.

18、Then Saigon's method of doing battle began to dawn on us.───不久,西贡的作战手法渐渐显露出来.

dawn on相似词语短语

1、dawned on───开始被理解;渐渐明白

2、dawns on───开始被理解;渐渐明白

3、down on───对…有恶感的,生气,不满

4、drawn on───v.以(某人)为付款人;[印刷]硬背装订

5、dawning on───开始被理解;渐渐明白

6、ran on───继续,继续下去;连续不断;流逝;涉及

7、gain on───逼近;超过;侵蚀

8、dawn upon───被理解;顿悟

9、drawn in───引诱;进站;接近黄昏;紧缩开支



n. 黎明;开端

vt. 破晓;出现;被领悟


We are waiting for the dawn at the top of the mountain.



at dawn拂晓;天一亮

before dawn凌晨;黎明前;拂晓

dawn on开始被理解;渐渐明白

crack of dawnn. 破晓;黎明

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