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what's wrong with you(what is wrong with you中文翻译,what is wrong with you是什么意思,what is wrong with

04-10 投稿

what's wrong with you(what is wrong with you中文翻译,what is wrong with you是什么意思,what is wrong with you发音、用法及例句)

what is wrong with you

what is wrong with you发音

英:  美:

what is wrong with you中文意思翻译



what is wrong with you双语使用场景

1、What is wrong with you, ted?───你怎么了,特德。

2、'If a woman is harassing you, people might think 'What is wrong with you?───他说,如果你被女性骚扰,人们可能会想:有没有搞错?

3、what is wrong with you? you killed somebody?───你犯啥毛病了?你又杀人了?

4、What is wrong with you? , Everybody likes monkeys.───你喜不喜欢猴子呀?。

5、Linda, what is wrong with you?───琳达,你怎么了?

6、What is wrong with you, acting like that," she raved.───你是怎么了,会那样做事?”她狂吼道。

7、What is wrong with you people? That sandpit swallowed us!───你们是怎么了?这个沙坑把我们吞没了!

8、Gross! That's what you call it? What is wrong with you?───真恶心,你是怎么回事?

9、You told me to do that already. What is wrong with you?───我已经试过这个方法了你到底是怎么回事?

what is wrong with you相似词语短语

1、get in wrong with───惹上麻烦

2、went along with───结伴而行

3、what is more what's more───更重要的是

what is wrong with you什么意思

what is wrong with you有两种表达方式,主要看语境。




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