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go ahead中文翻译,go ahead是什么意思,go ahead发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

go ahead中文翻译,go ahead是什么意思,go ahead发音、用法及例句

go ahead

go ahead发音

英:  美:

go ahead中文意思翻译



v.前进; (口语)去吧,继续说

vt.& vi.走在前面; 先走 ; 发生; 进行

go ahead双语使用场景

1、Go ahead and cry. Don't hold it in.───只管哭吧。别忍着。

2、Pay attention to traffic safety ; slow down , look around and then go ahead.───一慢二看三通过.

3、All right ! Just go ahead.───得, 就这么办.

4、Please go ahead. I won't be a minute.───请头里走, 我马上就来.

5、As soon as those in authority give us the okay, we can go ahead with the project.───只要负责人一签字认可, 我们就能继续进行这项工程.

6、You just go ahead and I'll catch up later.───你先走一步,我随后赶来.

7、We all urged him to go ahead with his plan.───我们都鼓励他实施他的计划.

8、In the event that any part of the deal may be blocked, the rest would go ahead.───万一交易的某一部分受阻,其他部分将继续进行。

9、The runway is clear – go ahead and land.───跑道畅通无阻–继续前行并着陆。

10、Just go ahead boldly with your work.───你放手干吧.

11、The dappled horse now began to go ahead.───花斑马开始领先了.

12、The event will go ahead as planned in Chicago next summer.───该活动将按计划于明年夏天在芝加哥进行。

13、A majority vote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead.───这项计划若要实施,必须获得股东75%的多数票。

14、That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.───在普拉茨堡的那个周末,他说服她嫁给巴德。

15、It is unclear whether the meeting will go ahead as planned.───会议是否会如期举行还不清楚.

16、All right, just go ahead.───对, 就这么办.

17、The district board will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.───地区理事会将于今天投票决定是否开始实施这一计划。

18、The sale would only go ahead if the name and number matched.───只有名称与数目吻合,才能进行销售。

19、building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.───新桥的修建将按计划进行。

20、Go ahead . Quick ! Shoot!───快上,投篮!

21、If you insist on leaving now , please go ahead.───你一定要走, 那就请便吧.

22、You go ahead, and we'll follow on.───你先走, 我们随后就到.

23、Now Moscow has reportedly agreed that the sale can go ahead.───据说现在莫斯科已经同意继续销售。

24、Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.───兵马未动,粮草先行.

25、Go ahead! There's nothing to be afraid of.───干吧! 没有什么可怕的.

26、Thank you, I've eaten already. You go ahead.───谢谢, 我已经先吃了, 您请自己吃吧.

27、The runway is clear — go ahead and land.───跑道畅通无阻,开始着陆吧。

28、Go ahead by all means.───你只管干下去.

29、When the conditions exist , go ahead ; when they don't exist , then create them and go ahead.───有条件要上, 没有条件, 创造条件也要上.

go ahead相似词语短语

1、gone ahead───前进;进行



4、to head───头

5、goes ahead───前进;进行

6、going ahead───经纪人先经营自己生意的行为

7、got ahead───获得成功;取得进步;走在前面

8、get ahead───获得成功;取得进步;走在前面

9、be ahead───赚钱,赢钱

是什么意思Just go ahead?

人家问你是否可以怎样时 你回答Just go ahead ,意思是没关系 尽管做吧当你说话的对象做事情时犹豫不决 你说Just go ahead,意思是快去做,有不耐烦的情绪当你说Just go ahead 也可以是鼓励别人做某件事情 意思是 就去做吧!

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