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no way out中文翻译,no way out是什么意思,no way out发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

no way out中文翻译,no way out是什么意思,no way out发音、用法及例句

no way out

no way out发音

英:  美:

no way out中文意思翻译


无路可逃; 没办法


no way out双语使用场景

1、No way out, I'm in too deep.───整夜如此, 我辗转难眠.

2、But then I would think she's doing this because she has no way out.───又常由疑心而想到妈是为我才作那样的事.

3、The girls who were afraid of thief in male students had no way out by teachers.───其中怕事者怕男生宿舍有贼窜入,被闻风而至的老师赶得无路可逃.

4、Man cannot remain with no way out.───人不可能永无出路.

5、There's no way out of this.───这 事 我也没辙了.

6、She was in a mess and could see no way out.───她陷入困境,找不到出路。

7、He could see no way out of the situation.───他找不到摆脱困境的出路。

8、Finding that there was no way out , Gringoire set about his task.───格兰瓜尔感到无法可想, 只得着手去干.

9、EB: Master of Wisdom , please. We have no way out.───海尔兄: 智慧爷爷, 我们已经陷入绝境了.

10、Have no way out, we sue Beijing only industrial and commercial bureau.───走投无路了, 我们只有起诉北京市工商局.

11、They were surrounded back and belly and had no way out.───他们腹背受敌,无路可逃.

12、I see no way out of this impasse.───我无法走出这一困境.

13、I was in a tight situation with no way out.───我陷入了困境,找不到出路.

14、Ambition never dies until there is no way out.───不到黄河心不死.

15、No way out, then continued to flee, to find a high place.───没出路, 那就继续出逃, 找个高的地方.

16、As I see it, there is no way out of the problem without losing money.───依我看, 想要解决这个问题,在金钱上必然会有损失.

17、No way out. That's work.───没办法。工作就是这样。

no way out相似词语短语

1、to wear out───磨损

2、to wash out───洗掉

3、to buy out───买断

4、to pay out───支付

5、to walk out───走出去

6、to want out───想出去

7、to play out───玩完

8、to stay out───待在外面

9、to lay out───布置

There's no way.是什么意思


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