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natural gas(nature gas中文翻译,nature gas是什么意思,nature gas发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

natural gas(nature gas中文翻译,nature gas是什么意思,nature gas发音、用法及例句)

nature gas

nature gas发音

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nature gas中文意思翻译



nature gas双语使用场景

1、This paper presents the application of PLC on facility protection system for offshore nature gas production.───本文介绍了PLC在海上天然气生产平台设施保护系统中的应用。

2、Study on the Characteristic and Significance of Synchronous Fluorescence Spectrum of Crude Oil and Nature Gas Samples───油气样品的固定波长同步荧光光谱特征研究

3、Water soluble gas is an important unconventional nature gas, it is only less than nature gas hydrate all over the world.───水溶气是一种重要的非常规天然气,世界范围内就资源量而言仅次于天然气水合物,研究水溶气对解决能源短缺问题具有重要的意义。

4、But it is also found that the output of nature gas is increased sharply after injection volume reaching 0. 03PV.───但在气聚注入体积0.03PV后油井产气量增加,气油比大幅度上升,气窜现象严重。

5、Liquid nature gas (LNG) is applied extensively as a kind of high quality clean energy.───液化天然气(LNG)作为一种优质清洁能源而被广泛应用。

6、sample analysis showed that the nature gas at this area belonged to methane biogenetic gas.───气样组分分析表明,该区天然气属甲烷型生物成因气。

7、Today, I want to discuss fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and nature gas.───今天我想讨论化石能源,例如煤,石油,天然气。

8、They've already turn down the nature gas.───他们已经接通了天然气管道。

9、Today I want to discuss fossil fuels such as coil, oil and nature gas.───今天我想来讨论关于化石能源,比如煤、石油和天然气。

nature gas相似词语短语

1、nature trails───通往自然景观的小径

2、rare gas───[化学]稀有气体

3、nature walks───漫步大自然

4、natural gases───天然气(naturalgas的复数)

5、natural gas───[油气]天然气

6、nature walk───漫步大自然


8、water gas───水煤气

9、tore gas───催泪瓦斯



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