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im fine(i m fine中文翻译,i m fine是什么意思,i m fine发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

im fine(i m fine中文翻译,i m fine是什么意思,i m fine发音、用法及例句)

i m fine

i m fine发音

英:  美:

i m fine中文意思翻译



i m fine双语使用场景

1、I \ 'm fine, thanks for not asking.───我很好,感谢你的不在意。

2、"I said to the animal trainer, 'I'm fine, ' and he said, 'Look at your arm, it's not fine' and all this blood is coming down, " said Chan.───成龙说,“我告诉动物训练师,‘我没事’,他说,‘看看你的胳膊,这个不叫没事’,血都流下来了。”

3、"I'm fine. " My voice sounded strange. I tried to sit up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp.───“我没事。”我的声音听起来怪怪的。我想要坐起来,然后发觉他紧紧地抓着我,把我护在身下。

4、That immediate caffeine buzz wakes me up, and makes me think "Hey, I'm fine, I was just a bit dozy first thing. "───咖啡让我立即清醒,让我觉得“我很好,我只是有一点小困。”

5、t-mac4bigmac: i'm fine with what rick is saying. Give em at least three more games and see how they play it out.───阿德尔曼说什么倒没问题。给他们至少再多三场比赛,看看他们到底打得如何。

6、Ross: Then, uh, then we got dressed, and I. . . I walked her to the (looks up, realises, and points) the bus stop. . . I'm fine.───然后,我们穿上衣服。我…我陪她走到(向上看,意识到,并指着)公交车站…我没事。

7、I "m fine, thank you. Let" s go to school.───我很好,谢谢你。让我们去上学吧。

8、No, Lily's not even speaking to her, and I'm fine with that. The person whose permission I seek is Eric.───不,莉莉都不跟她讲话了,我没意见。我要征得同意的人是艾瑞克。

9、I 'm fine, but tired.───我很好,只是有些累。

i m fine相似词语短语

1、to fine───去罚款

2、al fine───到结尾为止

3、pay a fine───交罚款;付罚款

4、do fine───干得不错

5、just fine───好好的(歌曲名)

6、in fine───最后;总而言之


8、fine wine───上等葡萄酒;优质葡萄酒;名庄酒



你说的应该是:I am fine或者:I'm fine.(我很好)fine[faɪn]adj.好的,上等的; 纤细的,精致的; 健康的; 晴朗的;n.罚款; [音乐]终止; 晴天; 地租;[例句]There is a fine view of the countryside.这里可以看到乡村的美景。[复数]fines

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