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bottled water中文翻译,bottled water是什么意思,bottled water发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

bottled water中文翻译,bottled water是什么意思,bottled water发音、用法及例句

bottled water

bottled water发音

英:  美:

bottled water中文意思翻译



bottled water双语使用场景

1、So why do people still buy bottled water?───那么,人们为什么还要购买瓶装水 呢 ?

2、We're prepared ginger ale, cola drinks, bottled water.───我们已经为你们准备了杜松子酒 、 可乐饮料及瓶装矿泉水.

3、Decrease printing, drink less bottled water. Try our best for a green earth!───减少打印, 减少使用瓶装水, 尽可能环保一点点.

4、You must drink boiled water. Or you can buy bottled water.───您必须喝煮开的水. 或者您可以买瓶装的水.

5、Mermaids do not drink any brand of bottled water.───美人鱼从不饮用任何品牌的瓶装水.

6、Is this tap water? No. It & ; am # 39 bottled water.───这是自来水 吗 ?不,这是 瓶装 水.

7、At the age of seven, he started by pulling his red wagon around his neighborhood collecting bottled water and supplies.───在7岁的时候,他就开始在他家周围拉着他的红色的手推车,收集瓶装水和供给物。

8、As bottled water grows in popularity, these problems proliferate.───瓶装水越受欢迎, 这些问题越大.

9、The bottled water is now the market leader.───目前,该公司的瓶装水已经占据了市场领先地位.

10、He's partial to drinking bottled water.───他偏爱喝瓶装水.

11、Chengdu, a toilet bottled water and chocolate city.───成都, 一座洗手间备有瓶装水和巧克力的城市.

12、The bottled water is on the house.───补充一句,这里提供免费瓶装水.

13、Of course, you could always and grab some bottled water.───当然了, 你也可以带走瓶装水.

14、bottled water is on the house.───瓶装水。

15、Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken.───只喝瓶装水,并且要看封口开了没有。

16、I presumed the bottled water in the room was complimentary.───我以为房间内的瓶装水是免费的.

17、The contamination sparked a run on bottled water by panicked residents.───很多居民在惊恐中大量抢购瓶装水.

18、New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.───纽约人一直在贮备瓶装水。

bottled water相似词语短语

1、bottled waters───瓶装水

2、barley water───大麦浸液;大麦汤

3、bottled beer───瓶装啤酒

4、bottled gases───瓶装液化石油气

5、bottled wines───瓶装葡萄酒

6、bottle gases───瓶装液化石油气

7、bottled wine───瓶装葡萄酒

8、backed water───倒划;退缩;退回原来立场

9、bottled gasses───瓶装气体



Taste was the second leading reason, while bottled water's convenience was also a factor.口味是居第二位的原因,同时瓶装水的方便性也是一个原因。

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