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lower and lower中文翻译,lower and lower是什么意思,lower and lower发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

lower and lower中文翻译,lower and lower是什么意思,lower and lower发音、用法及例句

lower and lower

lower and lower发音

英:  美:

lower and lower中文意思翻译



lower and lower双语使用场景

1、Presently the watcher began to nod; his head drooped lower and lower, both men began to snore now.───不久望风的也打起瞌睡,头越来越低,俩人呼呼打起鼾来。

2、He used to wear it much fuller, much curlier . You know, so eventually, you know, we started cutting it lower and lower.───他曾有更浓密、更卷曲的头发。你知道,所以最后,你知道,我们开始剪的越来越多。

3、Her hand moved in its slow circles lower and lower as she continued to talk in her reassuring way and I continued my chattering.───她的手慢慢划着圆,越来越慢。另一边,她继续与我交谈消除我的顾虑,我则继续喋喋不休。

4、Because of him, the output of rice is increased greatly and the price is becoming lower and lower.───因为他,大米的产量大量的增加了,价格变得越来越低了。

5、you are young, your standard of the spouse should be were high, but with the old of age, you to put the standard lower and lower.───还年轻的时候,你的择偶标准定得很高,但是随着年纪的增长,你不得不一点一点把标准降低。

6、The solar costs decrease continues a 10 year trend of lower and lower costs.───太阳能成本的下降延续了近十年降价趋势。

7、's getting lower and lower every year.───每年都在下降。

8、However, after the Nasdaq slid lower and lower each day over the next two years, they began to sell out.───然而在接下来的两年里纳斯达克一天天下跌得越来越低之后,他们开始卖出了。

9、Presently the watcher began to nod; his head drooped lower and lower, both men began to snore now.───不一会儿,看守开始打盹了。他的头越来越低,两个人都打起鼾来。

lower and lower相似词语短语

1、lower floor───下层楼

2、lower abdomen───小腹;下腹部

3、lower abdomens───小腹;下腹部

4、hearts and flowers───多愁善感

5、land power───陆军力量

6、flower power───爱情与和平的权力

7、power shower───电泵淋浴器;强力淋浴器

8、compound flower───复花

9、power mower───动力割草机


lower and lower


比较级and比较级 越来越

或者: more and more 形容词(不规律变化的)

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