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seat belts中文翻译,seat belts是什么意思,seat belts发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

seat belts中文翻译,seat belts是什么意思,seat belts发音、用法及例句

seat belts

seat belts发音

英:  美:

seat belts中文意思翻译

n.(汽车、收音机等的)座椅安全带( seat belt的名词复数 )


seat belts双语使用场景

1、We've all seen enough dummies catapulting through windscreens in TV warnings to know the dangers of not wearing seat belts.───在电视里,假人穿过挡风玻璃飞出去的警示镜头我们见得多了,知道不系安全带的危险。

2、Fasten your seat belts!───请系上安全带!

3、Stapp became a strong early proponent of automobile seat belts.───斯塔普是力主在汽车上采用座椅安全带的早期创导者.

4、We shall be landing ( at Gatwick airport ) shortly please fasten your seat - belts.───我们马上就要 ( 在盖特威克机场 ) 着陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带.

5、For take - off, all passengers must fasten their seat belts.───我们就要起飞了, 各位乘客请务必系好安全带.

6、Seat belts make use of a phenomenon called " ride down. "───座椅安全带利用所谓 “ 骑倒 ” 现象.

7、Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars.───生产商不得不在所有的新车上安装后部座椅安全带。

8、We'd better fasten our seat belts.───我们最好系上安全带.

9、Adolescents are far less likely to use seat belts than any other age group.───青少年比其他年龄段的人更少使用安全带.

10、By law, seat belts must be worn by all passengers.───按照法律规定,所有乘客都必须系安全带。

11、We shall be landing shortly please fasten your seat - belts.───我们马上就要着陆 -- 请大家系好座位上的安全带.

12、Every metal in the cockpit is cold, the seat belts are clammy.───驾驶舱里的每片金属都是冰凉的, 安全带则是黏糊糊的.

13、Please stay In your seat and seat belts fastened.───请留在座位并将您的安全带系牢.

14、Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars.───生产商们不得不在所有新车的后排座椅上安装安全带。

15、Please put out your cigarettes and fasten your seat belts.───请熄灭香烟,把安全带系上.

16、wearing of seat belts is required by law.───规定必须系安全带。

17、Fasten your seat belts and get ready for some fun!───扣紧你的安全带准备一次快乐吧.

18、Fasten your seat belts.───系好安全带。

seat belts相似词语短语

1、seat belt───安全带

2、fan belts───风扇皮带

3、sea beets───海甜菜

4、rust belts───铁锈地带(指从前工业繁盛今已衰落的发达国家一些地区)

5、sea beds───海底;海床



8、lap belts───安全腰带

9、heart melts───心融化了


seatbelts 是英文,意思是“安全带”。

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