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controlling ideas中文翻译,controlling ideas是什么意思,controlling ideas发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

controlling ideas中文翻译,controlling ideas是什么意思,controlling ideas发音、用法及例句

controlling ideas

controlling ideas发音

英:  美:

controlling ideas中文意思翻译



controlling ideas双语使用场景

1、They tend to act with the same controlling ideas , beliefs , and intentions, given similar circumstances .───他们在相似的环境中,往往按相同的有控制作用的观念、信念和意向有所行动。

2、This aspect of a controlling personality will always drive you to override other ideas, options, and Suggestions in favor of your own, because you've already convinced yourself that you know best.───控制型个性的这个方面总会趋势你压倒别的想法、选择,和建议,偏向自己的,因为你已经却行你最懂。

3、The policies of comforting and avoiding the energy "bottleneck restraint" come from the Japanese economics controlling ideas.───日本舒缓和规避能源“瓶颈约束”的政策构想源于统制经济思想。

4、That's the role TDD plays in controlling code quality, and enabling us to experiment with new ideas and make rapid changes to the product.───TDD在控制代码质量上就扮演这样的角色,并允许我们试验新想法,快速做出产品变更。

5、The lithium-ion battery tester using single chip microcomputer as a controlling core has been introduced on design ideas, functions and designs of hardware circuit and testing software as well.───介绍一种以单片机为控制核心的锂离子电池测试仪的设计思想、实现的功能、硬件电路的设计和测试软件的设计。

controlling ideas相似词语短语

1、controlling image───控制图像

2、control grids───[电子]控制栅极

3、controlling accounts───统制账户

4、controlling images───控制图像

5、control an area───控制一个地区

6、controlling mark───控制标志

7、controlling stake───控股权

8、controlling interest───控股权益;多数股权;[经管]控制股权

9、controlling interests───控股权益

什么是Controlling idea老是搞不懂,有例子更好?

这个是“中心思想”“主旨”的的意思! A good writer makes sure that topic sentences (and theses) contain clear \"controlling ideas”.

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