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go over to(go out to中文翻译,go out to是什么意思,go out to发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

go over to(go out to中文翻译,go out to是什么意思,go out to发音、用法及例句)

go out to

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go out to中文意思翻译



go out to双语使用场景

1、He suddenly took it into his head to go out to Australia to stay with his son.───他突然心血来潮,打算去澳大利亚和儿子一起住。

2、At first she wasn't willing to have her daughter in law go out to work.───开始她不愿意让儿媳妇出去工作.

3、Now she won't have to go out to work any more.───现在她不必再出去工作了。

4、Let's dress up and go out to the theatre.───我们穿戴整齐到戏院看戏 吧.

5、George made to go out to play, but his mother stopped him.───乔治刚要出去玩, 却被母亲拦住了.

6、They both go out to work and have a nanny living in.───他们俩都外出工作,雇了个保姆看家.

7、" Can I go out to get sardines for you for tomorrow? "───“ 要我去弄点沙丁鱼来给你明天用 吗 ? ”

8、Let's go out to eat.───我们出去吃吧。

9、Even in the dirtiest weather, they were driven to go out to sea.───即使是最恶劣的天气, 他们也被迫出海.

10、Let's go out to the arrival. The plane landed ten minutes ago.───咱们到出站口去吧,飞机十分钟前就着陆了.

11、On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.───另一方面, 许多妇女又选择外出工作.

12、Let's go out to eat.───我们出去吃饭吧。

13、" Well, you can go out to the flat then, that's all right.───“ 然后你回你姐姐家的公寓去好了.

14、When you go out to buy, don't show your silver.───出门不露财.

15、He could not go out to war as a sachem.───首领的身份是不能够参加战争的.

16、I suggest (that) we go out to eat.───我提议我们出去吃吧。

17、Our hearts / sympathies go out to relatives of the victims.───我们很同情受害者的亲属.

18、You do not go out to injure opponents.───你并非蓄意伤害对手。

go out to相似词语短语

1、go out───出去;熄灭;过时

2、go out of───从…出来,离开

3、about to───即将,行将;刚要

4、got out of───避免,逃避…

5、go over to───v.朝…走去

6、go out for───努力争取;(运动员、运动队)尽力参加选拔赛

7、to amount to───等于

8、out to───试图

9、do out of───向…骗取,骗走;(用不正当手段)剥夺

go out to sb的意思不应该是同情某人么?

Go out with sb: 和某人交往 ;和某人一起出去 ;和某人出去

go out to


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