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postcards什么意思(post card中文翻译,post card是什么意思,post card发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

postcards什么意思(post card中文翻译,post card是什么意思,post card发音、用法及例句)

post card

post card发音

英:  美:

post card中文意思翻译



post card常用词组:

picture postcard───美术明信片

post card双语使用场景

1、In addition to the post - card lead End where transport is the group's designated point of recharge?───另外领完卡后到哪里才是公交集团指定的充值点?

2、How much is it to send a post card to Taiwan?───邮寄一张明信片需要多少钱?

3、She did send me a post card as I expected.───她确实如我所愿送了我张贺卡.

4、She send me some post - card, a few book and an album of picture.───她寄给我一些明信片, 几本书和一套画片.

5、Do you want this kind of service? the enclosed post - card will bring it to you.───您需要这类服务 吗 ?附来的明信片可以满足您的要求.

6、Vintage Japanese picture post card . Entrance to Iron Wheel Spring Bath . Gate, Park . Beppu.───别府名所铁轮瓢箪温泉极乐温泉入口养老园发行.

7、I want to send a post card.───我想寄张明信片.

8、Isn't this post card too big for mailing?───这张明信片是不是太大了?

9、I want to send a post card to London.───我想寄一张明信片到伦敦.

10、I would like to send a post card to China.───我要寄一张明信片到中国.

11、The message can take many forms: letter, folder, brochure, post card, catalog, or coupons.───信息可用多种形式表示: 信件 、 传单 、 小册子 、 明信片 、 目录册或优惠券.

12、Hold the post card of lavender.───充满遗憾,手持薰衣草的卡片.

13、The lads at the office have sent you a post card.───办公室的哥儿们给你寄来了明信片。

14、I have enclosed a stamped, self - addressed post card for you to complete.───我们已经为您附上邮票, 明信片自备.

15、A post card and two fifty | fen stamps, please.───请给你一张明信片和两张五十五分的邮票.

post card相似词语短语

1、test card───(电视)[计]测试卡

2、postal card───n.明信片(同postcard)


4、postal cards───n.明信片(同postcard)

5、post cards───n.明信片


7、ghost cars───鬼车

8、court card───人头牌(纸牌中的K、Q、J)

9、report card───成绩单;工作报告


post card 英 [pəust kɑ:d] 美 [post kɑrd] n. 明信片; [例句]A post card from there.寄了封明信片过来。

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