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Have a nap中文翻译,Have a nap是什么意思,Have a nap发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

Have a nap中文翻译,Have a nap是什么意思,Have a nap发音、用法及例句

1、Have a nap

Have a nap发音

英:  美:

Have a nap中文意思翻译



Have a nap双语使用场景

1、light. I want to have a nap.───灯关掉吧,我想休息一会儿。

2、He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.───他很快停下,躺下来打盹.

3、I said, "Have a nap." Everything's informal.───我说道:“你们去睡一觉吧,一切随意。”

4、I'm a little tired. I'm to have a nap before dinner.───我有点累.我要在晚餐前先小睡一下.

5、I'm to have a nap before dinner.───我要在晚餐前先小睡一下.

6、I to have a nap.───我得小睡一会儿.

7、Do you usually have a nap after lunch?───午饭后你一般会小睡一下 吗 ?

Have a nap相似词语短语

1、have a ball───狂欢;玩得开心

2、have a few───喝几口(或几杯)酒

3、have a cow───非常生气;(非正式)发飙;大惊小怪

4、have a care───当心,留神;小心,谨慎

5、have a fit───大发脾气;大吃一惊

6、have a bash───试一试;尝试

7、have a canary───吃一只金丝雀

8、have a lash───抽鞭子

9、have a moan───呻吟



Angel, it is hoped that you can take good care of yourself and it is bad to stay up, especially for girls like you.


One needs at least one week for adjusting his physical condition whereas his immune ability may have big attenuation as well, people who stays up seems to become sick easily; therefore, the angel who used to be a girl full of vigor and vitality, has got many ailments now and her eyesight is also easy to decay.


I want you no longer to throw caution to the examination which you may value very much; however, the most important thing to me is your hearth.


You had better take good use of the classtime and extracurricular study time, don't be too hard when the exam is coming.


Be sure to keep warm in the morning, don't make your belly cold.


You have to drink much water.


Breakfast must be eaten satisfiedly, don't eat cool food.


Eat more eggs and carrots which give you protein and vitamin supplements


Do remember to have a nap the next midday.

整段:Angel, it is hoped that you can take good care of yourself and it is bad to stay up, especially for girls like you.

One needs at least one week for adjusting his physical condition whereas his immune ability may have big attenuation as well, people who stays up seems to become sick easily; therefore, the angel who used to be a girl full of vigor and vitality, has got many ailments now and her eyesight is also easy to decay.

I want you no longer to throw caution to the examination which you may value very much; however, the most important thing to me is your hearth.

You had better take good use of the classtime and extracurricular study time, don't be too hard when the exam is coming.

Be sure to keep warm in the morning, don't make your belly cold.

You have to drink much water.

Breakfast must be eaten satisfiedly, don't eat cool food.

Eat more eggs and carrots which give you protein and vitamin supplements

Do remember to have a nap the next midday.

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