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l tell you中文翻译,l tell you是什么意思,l tell you发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

l tell you中文翻译,l tell you是什么意思,l tell you发音、用法及例句

l tell you

l tell you发音

英:  美:

l tell you中文意思翻译



l tell you双语使用场景

1、Tell you what l did find, though, and don't take this the wrong way…───今天你有空吗?我有事要告诉你。

2、But until then, you do as l tell you. ls that clear?───但在那之前,你得照我的话做清楚了吗?

3、The reason l tell you is always the same.───我告诉你的理由永远相同

4、But if l tell you, it'll be the ''lck'' heard around the world.───但如果我告诉你们那会成为全世界最老套的事

5、They tell you why l was called The Hyena ?───他们告诉你了为什么我被叫做鬣狗吗?。

6、Didn't l tell you to keep your distance from my girl?───我没告诉你要离我的女朋友远点么?

7、l tell you what. Let me make a quick phone call, OK?───听我说我得去打通电话,好吗?

8、What did l tell you? l talked to you, didn't l?───我怎么跟你说的?我确实跟你说过的

l tell you相似词语短语

1、to tell on───诉说

2、after you───您先请

3、to tell off───告发

4、I ask you───我问你

5、tell on───告发;对…产生效果

6、I tell a lie───我撒谎


I’ll tell you _______ he told me last week?



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