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thank you 什么意思(Thank you中文翻译,Thank you是什么意思,Thank you发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

thank you 什么意思(Thank you中文翻译,Thank you是什么意思,Thank you发音、用法及例句)

1、Thank you

Thank you发音

英:[ˈθæŋk juː]  美:[ˈθæŋk juː]

英:  美:

Thank you中文意思翻译



Thank you双语使用场景

1、Thank you for your hospitality.───叨扰,叨扰.

2、You didn'tneed to give me any more money you know, but thank you.───你看你原本不必再给我钱的,但还是要谢谢你。

3、I'll thank you for more bread.───请再给我一些面包.

4、Thank you, but please don't bother.───谢谢, 但请你不要费事了.

5、Thank you for the suggestions you kindly offered us.───感谢你好意地向我们提出建议.

6、Thank you very much!───多谢你!

7、I'm better now, thank you.───我现在好些了,谢谢您。

8、Thank you for your kind hospitality.───谢谢你的盛情款待.

9、I want to take this occasion to thank you.───我想借此机会向你表示感谢.

10、Thank you for your many kindnesses.───感谢你的许多帮助.

11、Thank you for the trouble you've taken on my behalf.───感谢你的关照.

12、Thank you very much.───十分感谢你。

13、Thank you for furnishing me with so many data.───谢谢你供给我这么多的资料.

14、Thank you for your invaluable help.───谢谢你的非常宝贵的帮助.

15、Thank you. I'll store that piece of news away for a time when I might need it.───谢谢你, 我将把这条消息记住,或许日后用得上.

16、I can't begin to thank you enough.───我说不尽对你的感激。

17、Thank you for your kindness.───多谢你的厚意.

18、"Thank you for the information." — "You're welcome."───“谢谢你提供的信息。”——“不客气。”

19、Thank you in anticipation.───先致谢意.

20、"I'll see you onto the train." — "Thank you."───“我送你上火车。”——“谢谢。”

21、My husband could not be here tonight, but I want to thank you on his behalf.───我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我谨代表他向你们致谢.

22、"Thank you, Peter", Amy said meekly.───“谢谢你,彼得,”埃米温顺地说。

23、I consider it my duty to write to you and thank you.───我认为写信向你表达谢意是我的责任。

24、I will thank you to shut the door.───请你把门带上好吗?

25、I'll thank you to keep your opinion to yourself.───我请你别发表自己的看法.

26、Thank you for contributing generously to the scholarship fund.───谢谢你为奖学金基金慷慨捐款.

27、Be polite and say " Please " and " Thank you ".───要有礼貌,说 “ 请 “, “ 谢谢你 “.

28、No, thank you,' she said frostily.───不,谢谢你。”她冷冰冰地说。

29、" Oh , thank you!'she enthused gratefully. " You're a real gem, a diamond of the first water. ”───“ 谢谢! ” 她表示感激热情洋溢地说, “ 你真是一个被人尊敬的人, 第一流的好人. ”

30、He neglected to write and say " Thank you " .───他忘了写信 道谢.

31、If forced to choose between the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you.───倘使不得已而要对在监狱与白宫里度过四年作一选择的话, 我会说——监狱, 谢谢.

32、I thank you from the bottom of my heart.───我从心坎里感谢你.

Thank you相似词语短语




4、tank top───油罐顶盖;背心装


6、thanks to───由于,幸亏

7、I ask you───我问你

8、thank-you card───感谢卡

9、mark you───注意;听着


\"THANK YOU\"的意思是:谢谢你,感谢你。


(1)Thank-you Notes 感谢信

(2)Thank-You 感谢信 ; 感谢

(3)Thank For You Fuck 感谢你他妈的

(4)Thank Meets You 感谢遇见你

(5)Banquet Thank-you 宴会答谢


(1)Thank you for walking me back.


(2)Thank you all the same.


(3)Thank you for looking after us so well.


(4)Thank you for furnishing me with so many data.


(5)The pain has passed,thank you.


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