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gather up中文翻译,gather up是什么意思,gather up发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

gather up中文翻译,gather up是什么意思,gather up发音、用法及例句

gather up

gather up发音

英:  美:

gather up中文意思翻译



收紧; 采集; 鼓起; <美,口>拘捕

gather up双语使用场景

1、Gather up your scattered clothes and put them into the suitcase.───把乱七八糟的衣服都收到箱子里去.

2、We gather up from outer space various information by our Satellite.───我们通过卫星从外层空间收集到各种信息.

3、The people had to gather up their few possessions and escaped abroad.───人们不得不收拾起仅有的一点财物逃到国外去.

4、Gather up bunch of close friends and have a movie night.───同一伙亲密的朋友聚在一起,来一场**欣赏.

5、She told the children to gather up their toys.───她叫孩子们把玩具收拢在一起.

6、Gather up your muscles and jump.───收紧肌肉,然后起跳.

7、She watched Willie gather up the bills and stuff them carelessly into his pocket.───她瞅着威利收拾起钞票,漫不经心地把它们塞进衣袋.

8、Let me gather up my flowers. Here is Tartar ( dog ) coming: he will tread upon them.───让我把鲜花收收拢. 鞑靼 来了,它会踩在花上.

9、Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.───听着,兄弟们, 将狼集合,我们将骑着它们拼杀于战场!

10、Gather up your bundle from the ground, O inhabitant under siege.───17受围困的居民哪,从地上收拾你的包袱罢.

11、Gather up your belongings to leave the land , you who live under siege.───受围困的人哪、当收拾你的财物 、 从国中带出去.

12、Since your holiday is already over, you'll have to gather up the threads of your work.───既然你的假期已经结束, 你就该重新继续你的工作.

13、We sent three people out to gather up firewood for the fire.───我们派三个人出去搜集生火的火柴.

14、As the car was over - crowded, we had to gather up our legs.───由于车子十分拥挤, 我们不得不把腿缩起来.

15、We helped the commune members to gather up the loose ears of wheat in the fields.───我们帮助社员拾地里遗下的麦穗.

gather up相似词语短语

1、butter up───对…说好话;恭维,阿谀奉承


3、ginger up───使有活力(或有生气)





8、gather dust───积灰




1.All right, jockstraps, let's gather up. Picture time.好了,队员们,集合拍照了

2.Gather up all the picnic supplies ( try not to ask Mom what you should take).收集所有的野餐用品(尝试这不问妈妈你说应该带的东西)。

3.We gather up our hearts and go.聚拢我们的心,走吧

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