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shy boy中文翻译,shy boy是什么意思,shy boy发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

shy boy中文翻译,shy boy是什么意思,shy boy发音、用法及例句

shy boy

shy boy发音

英:  美:

shy boy中文意思翻译



shy boy双语使用场景

1、But his mother noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to practically vibrate when he heard the Western pop music she used to play.───但是他的妈妈注意到,每当她弹起西方流行音乐时,这个安静而害羞的男孩子似乎很激动。

2、The audience, it is a shy boy!───而台下,却是一个害羞的大男孩!

3、Then, the shy boy takes out the prepared ring and helps his girl to wear it on her finger in front of the audience and hosts.───然后,羞涩的小男孩在现场给他的女朋友戴上了事先就准备好了的求婚戒指。

4、I was a shy boy.───我是一个腼腆的男孩。

5、But his mother noticed the quiet, shy boy was sensitive to music: when he heard western pop music, he seemed to vibrate.───但他妈妈却注意到这个安静、内向的孩子对音乐十分敏感:一听到西方流行乐,他就好像要跳舞的样子。

6、You said you were a little shy, I said me too, and I liked shy boy. it was so good at the beginning.───你十分友好,经常给我拥抱。你说你有些害羞,我说我也是,我喜欢含羞的男孩。开始的时候非常好。

7、Sam had secured the position for his brother as a gift, hoping to offer the shy boy an exposure to Sam's own world of riverboat adventure.───山姆在宾夕法尼亚号上为弟弟找到这份工作,作为礼物送给他,希望这个腼腆的小男孩能够走进哥哥在密西西比河大船上的冒险世界。

8、But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play.───但是他的母亲石东生惠美、注意到安静的,害羞的男孩似乎舞实际上他听到这西方流行音乐她用来玩。

shy boy相似词语短语

1、day boy───走读生

2、shy of───害怕(做);对(做)……有顾虑;对……畏缩;欠缺;不足;未达到,不够


4、copy boy───报馆里送稿付印的人;出版社的小工友

5、oh, boy!───哦,天哪!

6、the boy───男孩

7、toy boy───小白脸儿

8、day boys───走读生

9、baby boy───男婴;小男孩

非常完美综艺插曲歌词是you are my shy boy nananananana这是什么歌?


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