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here it is中文翻译,here it is是什么意思,here it is发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

here it is中文翻译,here it is是什么意思,here it is发音、用法及例句

1、here it is

here it is发音

英:  美:

here it is中文意思翻译



here it is双语使用场景

1、I am already feeling better for my sojourn here; it is doing me good.───我在此逗留期间,觉得体力日渐恢复; 这对我大有裨益.

2、Here it is," said the Fairy, taking a lump from a golden sugar bowl.───给你。”仙女说着从一个金色的糖碗里拿了一块糖。

3、Yes , we have. Here it is. Please have a look.───有, 这是法文本, 请您看一下.

4、There is a western on at the People Cinema. Here it is.───人民**院在放一部西部影片,在这儿.

5、Here it is the shift from deadliness to normal family life.───现在,一种普通家庭式的生活气氛代替了性命攸关的紧张气息.

6、Here it is, I cannot yet even write with it, the fingers are so stiff.───这里,我甚至还不能用它写字,手指太僵硬了。

7、Here it is. May I have a look at your passport?───在这儿, 我能看一下您的护照 吗 ?

8、Now, here it is: What could I do, with this old timber I hobble on?───你瞧, 我拄着这木拐杖还能怎么样 呢 ?

9、Here it is. And here is my vaccination certificate.───给你, 这里还有我的种痘证书.

10、Fine. Here it is. Now let's around and meet other people.───好的, 给你. 现在我们到处转转,见见其他人.

11、Where is there a reset button? Oh, here it is! Oh!───重设按钮在哪里? 哦, 在这儿! 喔!

12、Here it is the only line of attack which we have opened.───此外它是我们新开拓的唯一研究途径.

13、Yes. Here it is, sir . Your bill totals 200 yuan.───好的,这是您的账单,一共200元.

14、Could you let me have your passport? - Yes, here it is.───看看你的护照好 吗 ? - 行, 这就是.

15、A: Oh , my CV. Yes, here it is. There are three copies.───哦, 我的履历表.是的, 在这儿. 共三份.

16、Here it is quieter and there are more parks.───这里的生活更安静惬意,公园随处可见.

17、" Here it is, " he said. " Once - you learn to play, it'll stay with you for life.───“ 给, ” 他说, “ 你一学会拉它, 它就跟你终身做伴. ”

18、Ooh! Here it is!───噢!它在这!

here it is相似词语短语

1、here sb is───某人来了




5、as it is───实际上;事实上;既然如此

6、there it is───这些是

7、there is no───根本没有

8、where it's at───事情的核心所在


2、Here it is中文是什么意思?

Here  it is的中文意思是这就是那件东西。

Here it is. 在这里;给你;给你看看

Here it is. But, what for?


Where's my cap? Here it is.


Here it is.中的Here是副词,它在这儿无实际汉语意思,Here it is.可以译为:这就是那个东西。或直接译成:给你。由于it是主语,is是系动词谓语,主语+谓语,所以该句既不是部分倒装也不是全部倒装。如果这个句子的主语it要换成名词,那么这个句子就要倒装了。如:Here is the book.这个谓语is从主语the book后面调动到其前面去了,这就是全部倒装。

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