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看动物的英语怎么说(see animals中文翻译,see animals是什么意思,see animals发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

看动物的英语怎么说(see animals中文翻译,see animals是什么意思,see animals发音、用法及例句)

see animals

see animals发音

英:  美:

see animals中文意思翻译



see animals双语使用场景

1、I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.───我喜欢看生活在自然栖息地的动物而非动物园内的动物。

2、See the herbs into the mountains, the hunter went into the mountains to see animals.───药农进山见草药,猎人进山见禽兽。

3、I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.───我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。

4、To see animals that people have only seen on TV is a cool experience.───看到平时只能在电视上看到的动物一定是个很帅的体验

5、you, as active consumers might not see animals killed for you.───你作为一个主动的消费者。

6、I hate to see animals suffering.───我不忍心看动物受苦。

7、The full moon was so bright I thought I'd be able to see animals in the field if any were present.───月圆之夜,星光灿灿。我觉得如果动物在的话,我就能看到。

8、I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.───我宁愿看野生状态的动物。

9、I'd begun to see animals in the forest as the locals did: not as exotic, endangered beasts but as food.───我开始像当地人一样在森林里寻找猎物:不是那些很难俘获的、快要绝种的但可以充当食物的动物。

see animals相似词语短语

1、sentinel animals───标记动物

2、wheel animal───车轮动物

3、wheel animals───车轮动物

4、stuffed animals───毛绒玩具

5、farm animals───家畜

6、seed capitals───原始资本

7、the animal───动物

8、pack animals───n.驮兽(如马,骆驼等);驮畜;成群生活猎食的动物

9、lower animals───低等动物

I see some animals (改为否定句)求详细解释,为什么这么改。

I do not see any animals.

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