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into the unknown中文翻译,into the unknown是什么意思,into the unknown发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

into the unknown中文翻译,into the unknown是什么意思,into the unknown发音、用法及例句

into the unknown

into the unknown发音

英:  美:

into the unknown中文意思翻译



into the unknown双语使用场景

1、Better to give yourself up to the theatrical experience of Okada's passage into the unknown.───不如就让自己臣服于冈田亨探索未知旅途的戏剧体验吧。

2、It seemed as if a ship were leaving the safety of its port, sailing into the unknown.───看起来就像一艘轮船安全地驶离港口,驶向未知的前方。

3、The door will open for her, but you can have a glimpse of the door, and her movement into the unknown.───门将为她开,但是,你能瞟一眼那扇门和她进入那扇未知之门。

4、A few days afterward, we left the Taichung mountain villa and ventured into the unknown mountains nearby.───几天之后,我们离开台中山庄,又继续前往附近不知名的深山。

5、The main scientific party will fly out in about a year's time, unpack the equipment, and begin drilling into the unknown.───主要的科考人员将在一年后飞抵,取出设备后向未知地区钻探。

6、It's a new venture into the unknown.───那是一个探索未知的一次全新的冒险。

7、Silently, he let himself go into the unknown.───他默默地走进未知的世界。

8、Then, he took a deep breath, turned right into the maze, and jogged slowly, into the unknown.───然后,他深吸了一口气,朝迷宫的右侧缓步跑去,跑向那片未知的领地。

9、Into the blue" means into the unknown.───进入蓝色(Into the blue)”就是进入未知。

into the unknown相似词语短语

1、into the shade───在阴凉处

2、into the wind───迎风;逆风

3、into the ground───到地面下

4、into the blue───无影无踪

5、into the black───在黑暗中

6、into the bargain───再者

7、in the know───知情的;消息灵通的

8、on the town───在城里寻欢作乐;过男盗女娼的生活;靠城镇救济金过活

9、into the red───负债;财政情况欠佳

into the unknown原唱?

由韩国歌手太妍(태연)演唱,收录在专辑숨겨진 세상(From \"겨울왕국 II\")中

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