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i'm afraid(l am afraid中文翻译,l am afraid是什么意思,l am afraid发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

i'm afraid(l am afraid中文翻译,l am afraid是什么意思,l am afraid发音、用法及例句)

1、l am afraid

l am afraid发音

英:  美:

l am afraid中文意思翻译



l am afraid双语使用场景

1、Omer: Walk further and you will see the sign. l am afraid you have to wait a long time.───办公人员:往前走走您会看到标志。恐怕您得等很长时间。

2、Traveler: : Now I am afraid I can't get to the airport on that day. l want to change my flight 21st. Is that all right.───游客:恐怕我那天不能按时去机场了。我想将我的航班换到21号,请问可以吗? ?。

3、l am afraid smoking isn't allowed here.───我怕这里不能抽烟。

4、Custom: Well, l am afraid you have made a mistake. Would you check it again, please?───顾客:恐怕你搞错了,能核查一下账单吗?

5、l am afraid of seeing a doctor.───我害怕看到医生…………

l am afraid相似词语短语


2、bear raid───[金融]卖空浪潮;空头猛跌;疯狂抛售;大量沽空

3、to a;aid───艾布拉德

4、ram raid───随机存取存储器

5、ram raids───随机存取存储器


7、I'm afraid───我害怕;恐怕



2、iam afraid 引导什么从句?


1.I am afraid the court may not adjourn until three or even later.我担心法庭要到3点或更晚时才会休庭。

2.I am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information.恐怕我们无权透露这一信息。

3.It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment.这是件很不幸的事,恐怕现在我还无法开口谈论此事。

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