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testcase(test case中文翻译,test case是什么意思,test case发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

testcase(test case中文翻译,test case是什么意思,test case发音、用法及例句)

test case

test case发音

英:[ˈtest keɪs]  美:[ˈtest keɪs]

英:  美:

test case中文意思翻译



test case双语使用场景

1、The thesis presents a new test case automated generation method based on algebraic specification of ADT.───本文以代数规格说明为基础,提出了一种新的黑盒测试用例生成方法.

2、The outcomeof these wage talks is seen as a test case for future pay negotiations.───这一系列工资谈判的结果可视为今后薪酬谈判的先例.

3、It is considered an important test case by both advocates and opponents of gun control.───这在枪支管制的支持者和反对者双方看来都是一个重要的判例案件。

4、The test case designing of black - box test is depicted in detail.───对 黑盒 测试的测试用例设计方法做了详细的描述.

5、What do you think of this test case?───您对这个测试案例有什么想法?

6、China will be a test case after its big lending spree of the past 18 months.───过去18个月借贷狂欢的中国便是一案例.

7、Good capability in test case analysis and design.───良好的测试用例分析及设计能力.

8、Applying metadata in test case generation of component can enhance the efficiency of component.───把元数据应用到构件测试用例生成中,有助于提高构件测试的效率.

9、Each column represents one test case.───每一列表示一个测试案例。

10、XP's feedback cycles are quick: develop the test case, code, integrate ( build ), and test.───XP的 反馈周期迅速: 开发测试集 、 编码 、 集成 ( 编链 ) 和测试.

11、Static program testing is an approach between program verification and test case running.───程序静态测试是介于程序验证和基于用例运行之间的测试方法.

12、Automatic test case generation is one of key issues of software testing.───测试用例自动生成是软件测试的核心问题之一.

13、And he can go for test case strategy to make all the acceptance testing full proof.───他也可以使用测试用例策略,使得所有的验收测试都能完全通过.

14、To reduce the cost of regression testing, the test case prioritization method is proposed.───为了降低回归测试的测试成本, 提出了测试用例优先排序的方法.

15、A successful test case is one that detects an as - yet undiscovered error.───已找出新错误的测试样本才是成功的测试样本.

16、The paper is focus on the test case generation methods based on Z language and statechart.───然后从UML状态图的操作语义,提出了把Z语言和状态图结合自动生成测试用例的方法.

17、The last line of the test case contains two city names: start and destination.───的最后一行测试用例包含两个城市名称: 启动和目的地.

18、The technology of designing test case is the core of software test.───软件测试用例的生成技术是软件测试的核心.

test case相似词语短语


2、test card───(电视)[计]测试卡

3、cot case───卧病在床的患者;重伤的人

4、test cards───(电视)[计]测试卡

5、test gauge───检查量规

6、worst case───最糟糕的情况;最坏条件

7、heart case───箱心

8、test paper───[分化]试纸;测验试卷;供检定笔迹的文件

9、test cases───测试案例


setup主要是进行测试前的初始化工作,比如在接口测试前面做一些前置的参数赋值,数据库操作等等 teardown是测试后的清除工作,比如参数还原或销毁,数据库的还原恢复等

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