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hands-off(Hands off中文翻译,Hands off是什么意思,Hands off发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

hands-off(Hands off中文翻译,Hands off是什么意思,Hands off发音、用法及例句)

1、Hands off

Hands off发音

英:  美:

Hands off中文意思翻译



Hands off双语使用场景

1、Hey, hands off! That's my drink!───嘿,别动!那是我的饮料!

2、Im all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.───杰克你好吗肠过我的手栈.

3、Take your hands off me!───别拉拉扯扯的!

4、Remember, when driving a car, the golden rule is never to take both hands off the steering wheel.───记住, 驾驶汽车的基本原则是双手从不脱离方向盘.

5、I finally let loose of my hands off the steering wheel.───最后我双手离开了方向盘.

6、Take your hands off me, you filthy swine!───把你的手放开,别碰我, 你这个坏蛋!

7、Keep your hands off my milk.───不准打我的牛奶的主意。

8、The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me.───有几个仆人对我很无礼,要他们的手不碰我是很难的.

9、The company is completely hands - off management. It was a runaway train.───企业完全处于一种放任自流的管理模式, 就向一匹脱疆的野马.

10、She shook his hands off.───她甩开了他的手。

11、a hands-off approach to staff management───不干涉的职员管理方法

12、Roger's hands off him now the fear drained and the indestructible meanness welled up.───罗杰的拳头刚刚离身,怕得要死的心情刚一松动,他那百摧不垮的无赖脾性又上来了.

13、The mother takes her hands off the three-wheeler pram, which begins to roll towards the platform edge.───母亲把手从三轮婴儿车上移开,婴儿车就开始滚向站台边缘。

14、This hands - off approach could lead to huge risks for the companies.───这种放手不管的作法可能会为企业带来巨大风险.

15、I told you not to touch , so hands off!───我告诉你别动, 就别动!

16、Keep your hands off!───不准动手!

17、" Louder , " put in the director, finding it almost impossible to keep his hands off.───“ 响一点, " 导演插嘴说, 发现自己简直没法撒手不管.

18、He took his hands off stick and raised them high.───他两手放开棍子而且高举起来.

Hands off相似词语短语


2、stands off───疏远,远离;避开;离岸

3、fends off───v.避开;挡开

4、hand off───不可触摩;切换,转换

5、hand offs───不可触摩;切换,转换


7、handed off───不可触摩;切换,转换

8、hands off!───不干涉的;请勿动手;别动


2、get off意思有哪些?


例句:1.Judge Jed radkoff bashed the SEC for its policy of allowing banks to get off with slaps on the wrist.


2.Now, are we going to get off this rock or just stand around talking about it?


3.Get off me, that hurts!


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