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write soon中文翻译,write soon是什么意思,write soon发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

write soon中文翻译,write soon是什么意思,write soon发音、用法及例句

write soon

write soon发音

英:  美:

write soon中文意思翻译



write soon双语使用场景

1、Please write soon.───请尽快回信。

2、Write soon, please.───请尽快来信。

3、Please write soon because we can't wait indefinitely for your answer.───请快点来信因为我们不能无限期地等你的答复.

4、Write soon with stories of life in Connecticut. Take care of yourself.───快给我写信讲讲你在康涅狄格州的生活情况. 多保重.

5、Please write soon! Yours, Kitty.───请尽快回信。谨上,基蒂。

6、Write soon and let us know when we can expect you.───快些来信,告诉我们您什么时候回来.

write soon相似词语短语

1、writes in───写入;写信提出(请求等);在选票上加写(非原定候选人的名字)

2、write in───写入;写信提出(请求等);在选票上加写(非原定候选人的名字)

3、write off───勾销;取消;很快地写好

4、write downs───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成

5、write a song───写首歌


7、write out───写出;取消某角色;誊写

8、writes down───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成

9、write down───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成


soon 指时间。

eg See you soon. Please write soon. quickly. 强调动作快。He had breakfast quickly. The monkey quickly got up in the tree. 猴子很快的爬上树。fast 强调速度。He runs fast enough to catch up with them A car runs faster than a bus.

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