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rise to the challenge中文翻译,rise to the challenge是什么意思,rise to the challenge发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

rise to the challenge中文翻译,rise to the challenge是什么意思,rise to the challenge发音、用法及例句

rise to the challenge

rise to the challenge发音

英:  美:

rise to the challenge中文意思翻译



rise to the challenge双语使用场景

1、We must all rise to the challenge.───我们必须全体行动起来,面对挑战.

2、They could be expected to rise to the challenge of risk.───可以指望他们会奋起应付危险局面.

3、He could be expected to rise to the challenge.───他会奋起应战的.

4、His poor performance rise to the challenge from his boss.───他差劲的表现受到了老板的批评.

5、political and ideological education in higher schools should actively rise to the challenge and create prereluisities to realize the reform of a new educational model in the information era.───高校思想政治教育要主动迎接挑战,积极创造条件,以实现信息时代教育模式的全新革命。

6、Today, the international community expects Asia to rise to the challenge and play a more prominent role in the changing economic landscape.───今天,国际社会期待亚洲迎接挑战,在改变经济面貌方面发挥更重要的作用。

7、I believe we shall rise to the challenge.───我相信我们能够迎接这种挑战。

8、The overall theme the pavilion is Rise to the Challenge.───展馆的总体主题是“拥抱挑战”.

rise to the challenge相似词语短语

1、drive to the wall───开到墙边

2、highlight the challenge───突出挑战

3、relish the challenge───喜欢这种挑战

4、to rise to the challenge───迎接挑战

5、issue a challenge───发出挑战

6、meet a challenge───迎接挑战

7、rise to the occasion───应付自如

8、like a challenge───像个挑战

9、accept a challenge───接受挑战

rise to和rise up to在使用上有区别吗?


"Rise to" 通常表示应对或克服某种挑战或困难。例如:“She rose to the challenge and completed the marathon.”

“Rise up to” 通常指鼓励或激励某人去处理某种问题或挑战。例如:“We need to rise up to the challenge of climate change.”

总的来说,“rise to”强调的是应对问题的能力和表现,而“rise up to”则强调的是面对问题的积极态度和行动。

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