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offthehook(off the hook中文翻译,off the hook是什么意思,off the hook发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

offthehook(off the hook中文翻译,off the hook是什么意思,off the hook发音、用法及例句)

1、off the hook

off the hook发音

英:  美:

off the hook中文意思翻译

未挂上; 摆脱困境


off the hook双语使用场景

1、phone has been ringing off the hook with offers of help.───表示愿意提供援助的电话接连不断。

2、His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.───在他同意马上离职之前,他的对手不打算放过他。

3、Does saving cally let him off the hook for killing 23 others?───救了凯利能不能抵消另外那二十三条人命?

4、I'd taken my phone off the hook in order to get some sleep.───我把电话听筒拿了下来,以便可以睡会儿觉。

5、His creative process involves holing up in his Paris flat with the phone off the hook.───他在创作的过程中躲在自己巴黎的公寓里,连电话都挂起。

6、He counted on his friends to get him off the hook.───他指望朋友们帮他摆脱困境.

7、The phone has been ringing off the hook today.───今天一整天电话一直响个不停.

8、The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times.───那拳击手失掉了许多次击败对手的机会.

9、Maybe he'll let you off the hook.───或许他会放过你.

10、You think God will let you off the hook?───你们以为上帝会让你们摆脱困境 吗 ?

11、The theory that personality is determined by our biology neatly lets everyone off the hook.───个性是由生物学特征决定的,这种理论让我们每个人都可以解脱了。

12、The phone has been ringing off the hook since 8:00 this morning.───从早上8点起,电话里就没断了传这件事.

13、He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn't be disturbed.───他不把电话挂上,以免受到打扰.

14、As soon as he saw her smile he knew he was off the hook.───他一看到她的微笑,就知道没事了.

15、Since war broke out, the phones at donation centers have been ringing off the hook.───自从战争爆发以来,捐赠中心的电话就一直响个不停。

16、You really think that takes us off the hook?───你真的认为那就能让我们脱身 吗 ?

17、Officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonous regularity.───被指控受贿和贪污的官员无一例外总能脱身。

18、With Spruance's casual words, Pug Henry was off the hook.───斯普鲁恩斯随口一句话使帕格·享利摆脱了困境.

off the hook相似词语短语

1、get off the hook───解围、解脱;(使某人)脱离困境

2、off the rack───现成的

3、off the mark───不相关

4、get the hook───被解雇

5、off the top───出自总收入(俚语)

6、on the hook───陷入圈套;拖延

7、of the hour───紧急的;现在的;目前的

8、on the hoof───活着的,未屠宰;事先无准备地

9、off the blocks───远离街区





Off the hook:摆脱困境。

Off the record:非正式的,未被公开记录的。

Off the top of my head:从脑海里想出来的、不加思考地的。

4. Off the beaten track:不是常规的、偏远的或不受欢迎的地方、难以到达的地方。




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