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whitecollar(white collar中文翻译,white collar是什么意思,white collar发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

whitecollar(white collar中文翻译,white collar是什么意思,white collar发音、用法及例句)

white collar

white collar发音

英:  美:

white collar中文意思翻译



white collar双语使用场景

1、Residents here are mostly white collar professionals , whose consumption ability is above the median level.───在此居住的人多属白领阶层, 消费能力在中档水平以上.

2、There is no place for white collar to relax and chat with colleague and friends.───没有白领的地方能放松和聊天与同事和朋友.

3、We believe in the concept of personal responsibility. You hear it in doctors' lounges and in coffee shops, among the white collar and blue collar alike.───我们要有对自己负责的概念,这种话常常可以从医生的休息室或者咖啡店听到,在白领和蓝领中一样也可以听到。

4、between are the skilled manual workers and those in white collar operations like sales and office management.───介于体力劳动与白领阶层之间的工种包括业务员、公司行政。

5、Andalso, a high salary white collar has to have good communication skill, learning skill andrespecthisjob.───需要说明的是, 目前高薪收入者多具有良好的人际关系处理能力 、 学习能力和敬业精神.

6、She was wearing a black coat with a white collar.───她穿着一件白领黑上衣。

7、She was wearing a black coat with a white collar.───她穿着一件白领黑外套。

8、J : Any kind of white collar work, as long as I get paid.───什么样的白领工作都行, 只要我能挣到钱.

white collar相似词语短语

1、white cell───白血细胞;白血球

2、white cells───白血细胞;白血球

3、white coal───白煤;作动力来源用的水

4、white poplar───白杨树

5、white cedar───白杉木,白杉;白扁柏


7、white poplars───白杨树

8、shirt collar───衬衫领

9、choke collar───松紧项圈





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