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total package(tour package中文翻译,tour package是什么意思,tour package发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

total package(tour package中文翻译,tour package是什么意思,tour package发音、用法及例句)

tour package

tour package发音

英:  美:

tour package中文意思翻译



tour package双语使用场景

1、Hi, I'm interested in a tour package to the island.───嗨,我有兴趣参加到这个岛屿的综合旅行团。

2、Americans will often travel as part of a tour group or buy a tour package rather than making all the plans themselves.───他们经常跟着旅行团或者是购买旅行套餐(一揽子的全套服务),而不是自己去计划一切事情。

3、Just 65 tickets are available for the official tour package backed by the Japan Football Association.───日本足球协会组织的官方旅游团只有65张球票。

4、The tour package features a three-day, two-night cruise up the Nile River.───这个套装旅游以尼罗河三天两夜邮轮之旅为号召。

5、At present, hundreds of tycoons all over the world have booked the space tour package.───目前,全球已有数百名富人预订太空旅行机票。

6、As the quota of the tour package to Australia is limited, the travel agency adopts the first-come-first-served policy.───因为去澳洲旅行团的限?有限,旅行社实行先到先得的政策。

7、No tour package required.───没有旅行包的需要。

8、Besides, I was a bit apprehensive as it was my first time to go to an unfamiliar place without joining a tour package.───此外,那是我第一次不带行李去一个陌生的地方,我还是有一点担心。

tour package相似词语短语

1、to package───打包

2、CARE package───护理套餐


4、to prepackage───预包装

5、to sackage───洗劫

6、to repackage───重新包装

7、to mispackage───误装



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