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do up中文翻译,do up是什么意思,do up发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

do up中文翻译,do up是什么意思,do up发音、用法及例句

do up

do up发音

英:  美:

do up中文意思翻译



整修; 扣; 使累垮; 打扮

do up双语使用场景

1、Please do up the books and post them to Mr. Smith.───请把这些书包扎好寄给史密斯先生.

2、He stopped to do up his shoe lace.───他停下来把鞋带系上.

3、She went to the mirror to do up her hair.───她走到镜子前梳理头发.

4、you say and do up front will create your first impression.───你第一次所说的和所做的都是你的第一印象。

5、Please do up the fasteners on the back of my dress.───请把我衣服背后的揿钮揿好.

6、She asked her mother to do up her dress.───她要母亲替她把衣服洗净烫好.

7、Do up these papers and send them to Head Office.───把这些文件包好,送到总公司.

8、Seems like I can always find some more to do up here.───好像我总是能在这儿找到更多的一些事儿做似的。

9、We shall have to do up the house next spring.───我们必须在明年春天整修房子.

10、Digestion actually starts in the mouth, so the more work you do up there, the less you’ll have to do in your stomach. This can help lead to fewer digestive problems.───就将食物嚼得更细,就更利于消化.消化其实是从嘴里开始的,所以在嘴里的准备做得越足,胃的负担就越小.这样还能避免不少消化毛病.

11、But you'd better tidy up your belongings so that the housemaid will do up the room.───但你们最好把行李整理好,以便服务员收拾房间.

12、Ann asked her aunt to do up her skirts and blouses.───安请她姑姑给她洗熨裙子和上衣.

13、He came and helped me do up my room.───他来帮助我收拾房间.

14、Will you do up this parcel for me?───请你替我把这个小包裹捆一下好 吗 ?

15、She asked me to do up her dress for her at the back.───她要我给她把衣服从后面系上.

16、John says he do up his old car and sell it.───约翰说他打算把旧车整新一下,然后把它卖了.

17、Please do up these books and post them for Mr. Smith.───请帮史密斯先生把这些书捆好然后帮他寄出去.

18、Do up the buttons on your shirt, Richard.───理查德,把你衬衫的钮扣扣好.

do up相似词语短语

1、to up───n.(男士的)假发(等于toupee)

2、to do up───补足

3、D up───v.打开;abbr.两倍的,双重的(duplex);复制的(duplicate);abbr.(DUP)民主统一党(主张北爱尔兰归属联合王国的北爱尔兰政党)(theDemocraticUnionistParty);n.(Dup)(白)杜鄱(人名)


5、do out───打扫;收拾

6、do by───对待

7、go up───增长;上升;被兴建起来

8、do in───使精疲力竭

9、do a───abbr.送达医院已经死亡(DeadonArrival);美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture);美国陆军部(DepartmentoftheArmy);n.(Doa)人名;(越)朵

do up和make up的区别?

make up:组成;补足;化妆;编造

Everyone gets a chance to make up tests.每个人都有一次补考的机会。

We need one more person to make up a team.我们还需要一个人才能组成一个对。

do up:整理;刷新;修缮;使精疲力尽

You don't need to dress up for dinner.你不必为了晚宴盛装打扮。

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