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not much中文翻译,not much是什么意思,not much发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

not much中文翻译,not much是什么意思,not much发音、用法及例句

1、not much

not much发音

英:  美:

not much中文意思翻译




not much双语使用场景

1、I'm not much good at tennis.───我不太擅长打网球。

2、There's not much sustenance in a bowl of soup.───一碗汤没多少营养。

3、There is not much he can do it.───对这事他几乎无能为力.

4、His brother is not much of a companion for him.───他兄弟与他情趣不甚相投.

5、It's not much fun being lost in the rain.───在雨中迷路可不是一桩趣事.

6、There was not much elbow room in the cockpit of a Snipe.───“沙锥鸟”战斗机的驾驶舱空间不太宽敞。

7、He is not much of a cricketer.───他算不上好板球手.

8、There is no [ not much, a lot of ] wind today.───今天无风 [ 风不大, 风很大 ].

9、The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.───这部小说描述多对话少。

10、There's not much else I can say.───我没什么别的要说。

11、He's not much cop as a singer.───他的歌唱得不怎么样。

12、There was not much time before the tide turned.───不久就要涨潮了。

13、His small farm provides maintenance, but not much more.───他的小农场能使他们维持生活, 但仅此而已.

14、The books were not much help.───这些书没派上什么用场。

15、It's not much of a career, you may think.───你可能想这根本算不上是一份职业.

16、They get paid for it. Not much. Just a little.───他们干这是有报酬的。不多,只有一点。

17、He's not much of a companion for me.───他和我不大合得来.

not much相似词语短语

1、not just───不仅仅;不只是

2、as much───也;同样多的

3、not much cop───没有什么价值

4、so much───这么;非常;达到这种程度


6、nothing much───很少;没什么事

7、too much───太多

8、not so much───与其;更少的

9、not much of───不太好的

2、not much等于什么


1.few,a few 是用来修饰可数名词的.


a few表肯定,确实有一些,但not many(不多).

2.little,a little是用来修饰不可数名词的.


a little表肯定,确实有一些,但not much(不多).



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