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bigtree(big trees中文翻译,big trees是什么意思,big trees发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

bigtree(big trees中文翻译,big trees是什么意思,big trees发音、用法及例句)

big trees

big trees发音

英:  美:

big trees中文意思翻译



big trees双语使用场景

1、There are many big trees.───有许多大树。

2、Filing through the pavilion, we found several small boats anchored under two big trees along the bank.───穿过水阁,在河边两棵大树下我们找到了几只小船。

3、Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses, many of the branches of which were cut up for firewood.───路边的许多大树都被砍掉用来建房了,树上的很多树枝被劈作木柴了。

4、Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with small trees that compete with big trees for resources.───汹汹的野火控制使得加利福尼亚的森林拥挤不堪,小树与大树争夺资源。

5、In the red light of the setting sun there stretched a large park with meadows and groups of big trees and meadows again.───在晚霞中,我看到一个大公园,近处是草地和一簇簇的大树,后面又是大片的草地。

6、Many big trees on both sides of the road were blown down in the gale last night .───昨天晚上,路边的很多大树都被强风吹倒了。

7、The CARS edged slowly in the morning sun, down the lane with its big trees, to the main road and the church.───车子缓慢地开到清晨的阳光中,沿着长着参天大树的小巷,驶往大道和教堂。

8、Some big trees at the top of the hill stand into the sky.───山顶上有几棵参天的大树。

9、The bushes have grown into big trees.───矮树丛长成了参天大树。

big trees相似词语短语

1、big times───巨大成功;大范围地;愉快的时光;第一流

2、ming trees───明树

3、fig tree───n.无花果树

4、bee trees───蜜蜂树

5、fir trees───枞树,冷杉树

6、bo trees───菩提树

7、big tree───大树;巨杉

8、big toes───大脚趾

9、bay trees───月桂树

the between big the men trees are .给这些单词排排队

the man are between the big trees

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