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04-05 投稿

start on(started on中文翻译,started on是什么意思,started on发音、用法及例句)

started on

started on发音

英:  美:

started on中文意思翻译



started on双语使用场景

1、The battle started on the early morning of the 24th.───战斗是在24日凌晨开始的。

2、Potter started on a trot that quickly increased to a run.───波特开始小跑,很快就跑起来了。

3、Franklin Roosevelt and his fellow Democrats tried hard to keep Herbert Hoover's name off the dam that had been started on his watch.───大坝建于赫伯特·胡佛的任期,以其名命名,富兰克林·罗斯福和他的民主党同胞努力为大坝除去此名。

4、The next time online defragmentation is started on this database, it will resume from the point of interruption.───下次启动对此数据库的联机碎片整理时,将从该中断点开始恢复整理。

5、"I started on the right but Rafa told me to move around and try and get in between the lines, " he said.───“开始的时候我在右路但是拉法告诉我要不断移动,我作了尝试,”他说。

6、The next morning the sun was behind a cloud, but they started on, as if they were quite sure which way they were going.───第二天一大早,太阳公公还躲在云彩后面,但他们还是出发了,仿佛他们很确定要走哪条路似的。

7、Totti is expected to be out of action for up to three months, but he insists he's desperate to get started on his recovery.───预计托蒂会休养三个月,但他坚持说他会不顾一切地尽快复元。

8、It all started on that very morning, when everything started to run out of their ways like a running wild, which can no longer be controled.───一切都开始于那天早晨,当一切都脱离了轨道,如脱缰之马,再难控制。

9、Pinocchio mounted and the wagon started on its way.───皮诺乔骑了上去,马车开始赶路。

started on相似词语短语

1、starts on───v.开始进行

2、stamped on───阻拦;踩踏

3、started in───开始

4、started over───重新开始

5、stayed on───继续停留

6、started up───v.开始;发动;突然站起;突然出现

7、start on───v.开始进行

8、started out───出发;着手进行

9、started off───出发,开始


start是短暂性动词,start的延续性动词是 be on。

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